In-N-Out Burgers produces quality hamburgers which taste great at a reasonable cost. Â What about The Clinton Foundation?
Think of  The Clinton Foundation akin to an In-n-Out Burger.  The Clinton Foundation rakes in millions of dollars and has lots of hype and publicity attached to it’s “good works”.  But, how does it “taste”
Does The Clinton Foundation produce a  quality product at a reasonable cost?  You decide. Here’s a real example that involved The Clinton Foundation, young women and money for leadership.

What if your college daughter won a $25K Â prize for women leadership? Â Wow!
But what if it cost $26 K for your daughter  to get the money?    That’s a wash, right?  Perhaps good publicity but no money received  to develop her leadership skills.
That’s the way the Clinton Foundation works.  Lots of money comes  in.  And lots of hype about the ‘good works’ they do.  But only peanuts  goes out for real charity. Roughly 5% of the Clinton Foundation money goes for real charity.
Call it what you want  — The Clinton Foundation is not a  real charity.  Very few people are helped.
Bill Clinton received a prize. Â He went to the college to receive the prize. Â Instead of accepting the prize money Bill Clinton said,
‘ Naw,  you keep the money and start a program in women leadership ‘.  That’s what  Clinton said after receiving $25  K prize money  for the Dole Leadership Prize.
So the college kept the money. But  — the hooker — Clinton billed the college $26 K for travel expenses.  Overall results?  The college did not really “make” any money to use for women leadership.  The Clinton’s made a thousand dollars  and got lots of  good publicity out of the event.

Those Clinton’s know how to make and keep money. Â Wow!
Are the Clinton hustlers? You decide.
Since 2014,,  Hilary and Bill  routinely charge $200 – 500 K a speech at many  college campuses.
At Penn State University, the cost to  attend a special  college function with Clinton’s daughter was  $2,700, $1,000 for a photo and $500 for a “conversation”.  Whew.
Lots of money comes in  to the Clinton’s.  Not much money goes out for charity.
And — concerning the Dole Leadership Prize —  The Clinton Foundation donated no real money to develop college women leadership abilities.  In fact, the Clinton’s made money and got good publicity.  So how does this “taste”?
The Wall Street Journal, ‘Free’ Clinton Talks Came at a Big Cost, by James Grimaldi, Friday, Oct. 28, 2016
written by Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.
Monerey Bay Forum
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[…] Will Hilary and The  Clinton Foundation waste money, lie and cover up stuff  as Obama does?  Will  Hilary do as Obama did —  re […]