Wanted: Baby sitters for college students


Stamp with text wanted babysitter inside, vector illustration

Wanted:  Baby sitters for college students.

Just hours before four bombs ripped apart two transportation systems in Europe, Emory college  students were dealing with their own supposed terror situation.

Trump on steps
Trump written  on steps of Emory College

Sometime on Sunday night, someone had the audacity to scribble “Trump 2016,” “Vote Trump,” and “Trump!!!” with a writing utensil preferred by toddlers. The erasable chalk  was all over the campus.

chalk signs for Trump
C chalk signs for Trump

The campus publication, The Emory Wheel, actually took this “chalk situation” seriously.  The college newspaper actually  sided with the crybaby college students who demanded to know how someone could rape their “safe space” with a candidate’s last name.

Rather than writing over the words, or simply wiping away the words,   40 students banded together to protest this sidewalk “terrorism” inside the administration building.

women college students
women college students not feel safe

…“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe here,” one female student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, they support it as well …




Firenze Sage:      “… I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school.” What you deserve is a year in boot camp,  you sissy.    


boot camp for college students
boot camp for students who cannot handle seeing chalk political statements, Vote Trump 2016?