Can Wheel Chair Patients Get Affordable Non-Emergency Transport in Santa Cruz County, CA? ONLY if Medi-CAL eligible

Scheduled for out-patient cancer surgery — but the transport person became suddenly sick — where can  you get affordable,   medical  transport  in Santa Cruz County, CA?  The middle class who work are out of luck. 

What can you get? 

Answer:  CSE Bay Area charges $300. out of pocket for 20 miles of   non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) services. You have to bill your insurance.   

CSE Bay Area is easy to contact by phone to schedule a trip  and  they have a local Santa Cruz area office  831 419 4002.  CSE Bay Area  provided us with excellent, reliable service both ways. They are terribly  expensive.     

We just found out via a phone call that Anthem Blue Cross Supplemental  (which we have  from work)  offers zero benefits for NEMT. Yikes!  

The lucky ones? In Santa Cruz County,   those  who qualify for  MED-I-CAL have access to free  non-emergency transport through Central Coast Alliance 831 430 5500 located in Scotts Valley.   Various  CCA vendors – which provide vans for wheel chairs –  include  Hearts & Hands,  based in Salinas, CA.  

There is help:  American Cancer Society 1-800 227 2345 offers free transport to  appointments and  generally requires  3 day notice. Volunteers provide assistance,  i.e. driving  to and from appointments.  A real person answers the phone. It’s a pleasure talking with them.     

What’s going on? Per usual and has gone on for too many years, the    Democrats in CA continue to offer rich  benefits to  the lower class and  to  newly arrived  illegal aliens who cross  our USA borders. 

For many reasons the middle class in CA has left in droves and continues to do so.   Thanks for one-party rule by Democrats in CA.  

Are there other insurance  sources (since our  Anthem Blue Cross does not) which  offer  non-emergency medical transport  (NEMT)?     We are looking into it.  

  Medi-Care Part B may offer non-emergency transport “if medically necessary”  That’s a possibility.  

  In Santa Cruz, DCD insurance (831 423 8542) offers  health insurance products.  You may contact Pam for a telephone interview.  We are attempting to do so. 

There are a lot of folks who have worked 30 plus years and retired who may need Non-Emergency Medical Transport to their doctors.  And their private insurance plans may not pay for NEMT – non-emergency medical transport.  

Reality in Santa Cruz County & elsewhere:      More and more people are asked to get  medical services  provided in non-hospital settings  by  appointment. Agree?   That is reality.    As people age,  more and more  people require walkers or wheel chairs to get to surgical and other   medical appointments.  At times, family and friends may not be available to transport. 

 Why so few options  for  those who have worked all their adult life – 40 plus years –  and who have  private insurance and Medi-Care and now  must pay hundreds of dollars for transport to medical appointments  which is free for those who may never have worked in the USA?   

Are you someone — or know someone  — who may need Non-Emergency Medical Transport — to go to medical appointments?     What’s your experience?  Share!   

written by   6/25/2024


JABS are NOT a VACCINE says 9th Circuit Court so STOP mandating “the JAB”?

The COVID vaccine was touted  to  prevent getting it and also stop the spread.   But millions have gotten COVID  and  also spread it to others.  

Our COVID  story: My husband got COVID while in hospital and spread it to me when he came home,  I’d already had two JABS because our esteemed MD wrote a newsletter saying, “ONE million will die….” No more jabs since for either of us.  But  in Aptos, CA two major pharmacies have signs outside saying GET your FREE COVID booster.   Your government wants you to keep getting the JAB.  

So what’s your JAB/ COVID story? Got the JAB  and all  boosters and doing everything government says to do?  In the news:   Maxine Waters got several boosters and now getting treatment for pancreatic cancer. 

The alarm bells are ringing:  more and more deaths are mounting up and more and more serious side effects happening.   Slow in emerging the overall damage from ‘the  JAB’ is relentless.   


How Capture Hamas leaders Sinwar & Diet?

How can citizen journalists help capture Sinwar & Diet – responsible for Oct 7 Gaza attacks on Israel?   These two top Hamas leaders  are hiding somewhere.

Where are  Sinwar & Diet hiding?   In a tunnel in Gaza most likely.  Perhaps elsewhere.

Know what they look like and help capture them. There are lots of pictures of Sinwar and not many of Diet.



Tell FBI to Get OUT of Politics by MOVING OUT of Washington DC? YES!

Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)   thinks that  the best way to clean up the FBI is to move FBI’s  headquarters out of Washington D.C.  to Huntsville, Alabama – which the FBI itself refers to as “its second headquarters”.

See article in the Wall Street Journal 7/11/2023 titled Republican Eyes Sweet Home for New FBI Headquarters in Alabama  article 11 of 53.

The decision maker as to where the new FBI headquarters will be  located has invited  all stakeholders to have their “say” in the decision process.  The General Service Administration (GSA)  is the entity which will make the decision where the new FBI headquarters will be located.  The GSA has been looking lately at sites in Virginia and Maryland.

Many thousands of American voters have been harmed by the ‘take care of Democrat’ leanings and decisions made by  the top echelon of the FBI.

All voters are “stakeholders” who can and should  have a say  where the new FBI headquarters  will be located.

President Trump successfully moved the  federal agency  which oversees  federal lands out of Washington D.C.  Get closer to what you are actually overseeing was Trump’s thinking.

So what does the FBI do and – based on what it does – (investigate crimes) where should its headquarters be located?

Look on its home page:  The FBI investigates all sorts of crime  which affect Americans of all ages and walks of life.

One crime  the FBI investigates  –which affects all Americans accessing the internet –  is cyber theft.

A recent 6/20/20223 example of cyber-theft:  A  consumer (myself)  buys  a fake  digital $99.99 year   subscription to the Wall Street Journal,  pays  the seller  with Pay Pal, but the digital subscription is  not delivered to the consumer  (myself) who cannot contact the seller (telephone 332-236-9347)  to get their $99.99  money back  because Contact Info (  is fake.I did report cyber-theft the the FBI on their cyber-theft website: https;//

As of today 7/11/23:  offers via the internet a fraudulent  one year digital subscription to the Wall Street Journal for a mere $39.99. Don’t buy it!     June 20, 2023 I paid $99.99 for said subscription which was never delivered to me.

The  site for providing cyber-theft information to the FBI  is  very easy and quick  to use but — typical government –not easy for the consumer to make a copy of their  own report.

At the end of filing the  site says PRINT a copy NOW as this is your only chance to have a copy of your report.

To be CONSUMER friendly  the FBI site should provide a way for consumers to E-Mail a copy to themselves.   Taxpayer/ citizens who report using  I-phone   — which do  not necessarily  have Print capability  –cannot make a copy of  what they are reporting to the FBI.

Not to know what you have told the FBI can be quite problematic for people should  the FBI want to ‘get you’ which they have done to a number of well known persons.

Yes — the FBI should change their site so that you and I can easily keep a hard copy of what we report to the FBI.    Right?

written 711/23  by  Cameron Jackson


“The Mass never ends” said Fr. Ron Shirley “It must be lived…”

“EUCHARIST” from Wonder in the Wild by Arthur LeClaire

He was old, tired and sweaty.
Pushing his home-made cart down the alley,
Stopping now and then to poke around in someone’s garbage.
I wanted to tell him about Eucharist,
But the look in his eyes, the despair in his face,
The hopelessness of someone else’s life in his cart
Told me to forget it!
So I smiled, said, “Hi” and gave him Eucharist.
She lived alone, her husband dead, her family gone.
And she talked at you, not to you.
Words, endless words, spewed out.
So I listened—and gave her Eucharist.
Downtown is nice.
Lights change from red to green and back again.
Hashing blues, pinks, and oranges.
I gulped them in and said, “Thank you, Father”—and made them Eucharist.
I laughed at myself
And told myself: “You, with all your sins, all your selfishness
I forgive you-I accept you-I love you.”
It’s nice and necessary too to give yourself Eucharist.
Tired, weary, disgusted, lonely,
Go to your friends, open their door,
Say, “Look at me”—and receive their Eucharist.
When will we learn that we cannot talk Eucharist,
You cannot philosophize it—you do it.
You don’t dogmatize Eucharist.
Sometimes you laugh it,
Sometimes you cry it,
Often you sing it.
Sometimes it’s wild peace, then crying hurt,
Often humiliating, never deserved.
You see Eucharist in another’s eyes,
Give it in another’s hand held tight.
Squeeze it with an embrace.
You pause Eucharist in the middle of a busy day.
Speak Eucharist with a million things to do and a person who wants to talk.
For Eucharist is as simple as being on time, and as profound as sympathy.
I give you my supper. I give you my sustenance,
I give you my life. I give you me,
I give you EUCHARIST.

The poem was read 6/20/23 by Deacon Patrick at Resurrection Catholic Church,  Aptos CA

Cameron Jackson




Buying the car of your dreams: an e-car? 3-seater? new or used? from car dealer or private party?

How to decide when buying a  car that drives amazingly, fits kids and their friends comfortably  in 3 seats, is safe,  reliable and and flexible  to use on  long car trips?

I bought a 2014 BMW and now am thinking of buying a new or pre-owned BMW or completely different brand.

Some pluses and minuses:

Electric self driving  car  has a plus of automation (just sit in the driver’s seat) — wow!! –  but a  downside for longer  car trips (i.e. San Francisco to L.A.)  as not that much inside car space and considerably  less flexibility re time to “re-fuel”.  Acquaintances  who have e-cars say that they  leave their e-car  home and  take their larger fossil fuel cars  on long  car trips.

What about the total cost of a car?    The interest rates  on car loans has skyrocketed.

Per phone call  today  6/10/23,  the sales department of  BMW in  Monterey CA  says that new car  interest rates run around  5-6  1/2 %   and that  pre-owned cars interest rates run between  7-8%.  Of course credit and the 40 plus sources BMW has for obtaining a loan affect the actual rate one will pay. That’s the cost of going through a dealership.

BMW   of Monterey says that the current   230 i and 240 i  series  both have more power compared to a  2014  BMW 328  purchased 10 years ago.

There is a big difference in overall style between the current 2024 BMW  versus the 2020 series.  The 2024 costs between $41-48K with the 2020 BMW  230 i  older style costing between $28 – 30,000. Check out differences in older and newer style.

Turn in value for a car:     A 2014  328 model with  (low 60,000 mileage) is worth about 10-12,000 on turn in.

My  view:   If you really like a car and plan to keep it 7-10 years– as long as the average marriage lasts in America –   then the  depreciation in value  over first couple years is less important than the overall value it has in being  truly   fun to drive,  safe, reliable  and that the car does what you want it to do. Get the car of your dreams.

So,   drive enough various  cars until you find that  “dream car” –  and only then,  look for where and from whom to purchase it. Ask for help.

Remember that story in the Bible about a man who worked 7  years for the wife of his dreams, getting hitched  instead to her sister (by  design of the father-in-law because per  tribal custom the  older sister must marry first)    and then  working another 7 years to marry the wife of his dreams.  Which he did.    So,  take your  time and make sure  both sides  to the contract can and will keep their bargain.

Maybe buy from a dealer and maybe some other way.

Question:    How can you get the car you really want at the lowest possible  interest rate and also get  great value as the car has  depreciated because  it is one year old?

In the Great Scheme of Things:   There’s someone out there who bought the car of  his  or her dreams but due to various reasons needs to re-structure debt and sell that one year old car which has a low interest rate.    Best of both worlds  — get  the right car ant the right interest rate.

But then again time may be of the essence How much time do you have to devote?

Here’s a poem about a black hen who has to make   decisions:     ” Higgily piggily my black hen; She does not know how to lay eggs in the relative when. She only knows how to lay eggs in the positive now.  Higgily, piggily my black hen. ”

Someone I respect says “Life is like a chess game.  You can move all sorts of ways.  Before you decide your next move, be  sure to ask the Man Above (God)  which way to go –  and then listen. “  Not bad advise.




Russia grabbed WSJ non-spy journalist to exchange for a real Russian spy

Now we know why Russia arrested that non-spy Wall Street Journal employee —    Russia seeks to get a  real Russian spy back to Russia.

Brazilian and U.S. authorities say Sergey Cherkasov (SC)  posed as a Brazilian student under the name of Victor Muller Ferreira in Washington in order to conduct espionage against the West on behalf of Russia.

SC wants to go to Russian and Russia wants him.  The Wall Street Journal employee — currently in a Russian prison with end of August for next  court date –  was arrested  in Russia a mere  5 days after the US requested Brazil to extradite SC to the US.

Russia plays hard ball in the spy game.

The US better get prepared and “round up the usual suspects” i.e.  round up more  real Russian spies.


written by Cameron Jackson  5/28/23


20,000 Dead Russians in one Ukraine battle

The private Russian Wagner army — that was supposed to take the Ukrainian capital in a couple days — has lost 20,000 soldiers dead and plans to re-group and re-train. The regular Russian army must take over the city Putin outs as a “victory”


How “fix” a politicized FBI that wrongfully opened an investigation of Trump based on Clinton’s fabrications?

Integrity at the top will fix the FBI. No need for more laws. Just follow the laws.  

Remember  FBI  Comey– wearing a blue suit — trying to avoid President Trump by  hiding  behind   blue drapes?  That says all that needs to be said about Comey.
