substantial communication AND social delays in small children?

Does your child have substantial communication AND social delays? Live in Monterey, Santa Cruz, Sen Benito or Santa Clara County?

If under age 3, call San Andreas Regional Center and ask for Early Start services (for ages 0 to 3). San Andreas Regional Center has offices in Watsonville (831) 728-1781, Salinas (831) 759-7500) Gilroy (408) 846-8805 and Campbell (408) 374-9960. Visit the regional center web site at

If over age 3,
also call San Andreas Regional Center and ask for an evaluation for autism. Call your local elementary school and in writing request assessment for “autistic-like” education services. Keep a copy of your school request and send a second copy if you do not hear back in two weeks. And go to your pediatrician for a hearing and vision assessment and physical check up. Ask ahead of time whether your doctor uses CHAT or some other rating scale for autistic spectrum symptoms.

If your pediatrician does not use an autistic spectrum rating scale, ask for one from Dr. Cameron Jackson. She will send one to you to fill out and take to your MD and appointments with health professionals.

You can email Dr. Jackson at or call (831) 688-6002. Dr. Jackson specializes in psychological assessment including the diagnosis and treatment of autistic spectrum disorders. Her office is in Santa Cruz, CA.