Aptos, CA:Easter Seals shows parents how to PLAY & ENGAGE their autistic

From Aptos psychologist Dr. Jackson 831 688-6002

Easter Seals offers P.L.A.Y., a method that is softer and more gentle than Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Parents need to educate themselves about the different techniques available for assisting children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Parents need to be in the driver’s seat as to what kind of therapy they think will be best for their child.

There are “squishy” softer methods such as P.L.A.Y. and FloorTime. And there are “prickly”, harsher methods in my opinon such as Applied Behavior Analyisis (ABA). Different methods for different severities and kinds of autistic symptoms. Each child is unique. Parents who have educated themselves will make the best decisions.

Call EASTER SEALS in Aptos for informantion about how to PLAYFULLY engage with children with social and communication delays. Go: Easter Seals

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