To: Congressman Sam Farr (for Monterey and Santa Cruz County, CA)
From: Dr. Cameron Jackson, licensed psychologist
I am opposed to the current the Health Care Reform bill which Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership offer Americans. I am worried and concerned how you, Mr. Farr, may vote because per your web site statistics you vote the Democratic Party line 98% of the time.
Now is the time that you, Mr. Farr, need to show independence from the Democratic Party line. Right now America is under one party rule by the Democratic Party. That is not healthy. The basic Robert’s Rules of Order that protect the minority Republican and Independent positions are not respected by Congress. Nancy Pelosi, the Rules Committee and members of Congress need to read or re-read Democracy in America by DeTocqueville. Protect the rights of the minority to speak! Have real debate! And please Mr. Farr don’t push bills down the throats of Americans just because of One Party Rule.
One question every American should pose and which I ask you: do you plan to give up your private health care coverage which all members of Congress get and use the same health care plan that the Democrats offer? If your answer Mr. Farr is No, that you plan to keep your private insurance plan — then the health care plan proposed by Obama and the Democrats is not good enough for We the People whom you represent.
I strongly oppose governmental interference in the health care decisions that people now make with their doctors. Of note in the current bill: The bill requires that medical doctors must have end of life and end of care discussions every 5 years.
I strongly oppose the government – at one swoop — taking over a fifth of the economy. The health care sector amounts to about 20 percent of the economy. The government does not have a good record for keeping down costs nor running anything efficiently.
New business need to grow on shoe-string budgets. This plan will drive small business out of business and prevent new ones from starting. With all the unemployed who have enormous talents and capabilities we need to do everything we can to encourage new business. Saddling on small businesses required costs for medical care is simply dumb.
Each person is a unique person with a unique medical history. Deciding whether to have surgery or not – whether to have chemo or not — is best done without government interference. Do we want the “compassion†of the IRS and the Department of Motor Vehicles affecting important medical decisions? No, we want the compassion and clinical judgment of our doctors without government interference.
written by Dr. Cameron Jackson, licensed psychologist