This is a true story with some information changed to protect privacy.
The boy, I will call him Mark, is nearly seven years old. He was diagnosed with Autistic Disorder a year ago.
The diagnosis was given after a thorough assessment by a licensed California psychologist up in the Bay Area. Mark and his parents live in the Monterey Bay area. Mark goes to a public school kindergarten.
In the course of just one year, Mark’s functional abilities have improved considerably. He no longer meets criteria for a diagnosis of Autistic Disorder.
Since the diagnosis , Father, a computer type, now spends much more time engaged with Mark has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which provides a full time aide and public school speech services. Mother also takes him to private social learning classes and to horseback riding classes for children with disabilities. And there is a normally developing same age boy who lives close. The parents put in an outside hot tub and child oriented playground to encourage other children to come visit.
Of note: There was no Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) services in place. Mother appears to use a soft, developmentally oriented approach. And it IS working! So, YES, children can dramatically improve in one year. Instead of having 6 out of 9 functional areas quite low, now there are only three. What more improvements will happen over the next year? I expect more great, positive changes ….
written by Cameron Jackson