Firenze Sage: Racist hurricane names [Irene should be Keisha says Sheila Jackson-Lee]

Sheilah Jackson-Lee sits on the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics .She visited Jet Propulsion Laboratories and asked if the Mars Rover would be able to show “the flag the astronauts planted there before”.

Hurricane Irene a racist name says Rep. Jackson-Lee
Hurricane Irene a racist name says Rep. Jackson-Lee

In February, Congress was debating federal spending. And Sheila Jackson-Lee got up to make her contribution denouncing a Pepsi commercial as racist. Other things that Jackson-Lee has denounced as racist include hurricanes, a balanced budget and secret service agents.

In 2003, Sheila Jackson-Lee complained that hurricane names were too “lily white” and said that “All racial groups should be represented.” She suggested Hurricanes “Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn”.

Last year, Lee tried to denounce the Tea Party as racist at an NAACP meeting, but in the middle of it she forgot the word for sheets, and condemned them for wearing, “uh, clothing with a name.”

Not only has Jackson-Lee voted against every national security measure she could think of, but she actually goes out looking for dictators to support. She invited Assad to speak in Texas, urged F-16 parts sales to Hugo Chavez,and called for an end to economic sanctions against Saddam.


And she will vote on the national debt increase.

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13 years ago

lasik surgery…

[…]Firenze Sage: Racist hurricane names [Irene should be Keisha says Sheila Jackson-Lee] | Monterey Bay Forum[…]…

13 years ago

Niggers gonna nig.