Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s re-election strategy to foment class warfare with help from ACORN, SEIU and Working Families Party

Obama's re-election strategy to foment class warfare may lead to riots?

Will America in 2011 & 2012 see violence in the streets due to the re-election strategy of Obama which is to foment class warfare?

First step: Foment class warfare. Hence Obama’s speeches of late rail against the “billionaires and millionaires” who make more than 250 K. Though the top 5% of earners pay about 2/3 of all federal taxes, top earners “don’t pay their fair share” according to Obama.

Second step: Verbally support the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. Which Obama has publicly done.

Third step: get financial backing for demonstrators from supporters such as Soros and ACORN type groups such as Working Families Party. A recent Y-Tube video interviews a paid volunteer making $22. an hour protesting against Wall Street.

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