Aptos Psychologist: Obama bites holes in Bill of Rights. Especialy 10th. Citizens lose out.

Obama bites holes in Bill of Rights, especially Tenth
Obama bites holes in Bill of Rights, especially Tenth

How has Obama, who taught Constitutional Law, most harmed the U.S. Constitution and thereby weakened the rights of average American citizen?

Obama knows the Constitution — he taught it — and Obama has sought to weaken the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Think about the Bill of Rights.

Obama’s policies have harmed the First Amendment (speech) the Second Amendment (right to bear guns) and probably the greatest harm done has been to the 10th Amendment — that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states by the Constitution are reserved, respectively, to the states or the people. Think about that: All powers not granted to the federal government belong to the People — you and me. What a huge right.

Attack on the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms.

In the news today, Diane Feinstein, a Democratic Senator from California, and long time supporter of Obama’s policies, now supports much stricter gun control laws. [By the way, for years She carries a gun in her purse]

Why does Democrat Senator Feinstein now support stricter gun control? Because Senator Feinstein thinks that guns can get into the wrong hands too easily. That is true, especially if the U.S. government, under the auspices of Obama’s Justice Department, smooth the way to put guns into the hands of Mexican criminals.

Fast and Furious, under the purview of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, sold guns to Mexican criminals so they supposedly could trace the cartels to see where the guns went. That was the theory.

The Mexican drug cartel used the guns and the end result was a lot of people got killed.So now the Obama government, which sold the guns to the outlaws, wants to restrict the right of American citizens to keep and bear arms.

Obama, who thinks government is the answer to every problem, want control of guns to reside in the hands of government.

Restriction on freedom of speech:
In Obama’s State of the Union address — with the Supreme Court sitting front and center — President Obama castigated the Court for extending freedom of speech to include corporations and unions. Corporations no longer have to have PACs in place when they make a political contribution. Corporations and unions now have full political rights.

Obama first tries to get a law passesd, If that does not work then he uses regulations to get the same results. Overriding all is Obama’s faith that governmnet is the answer and that citizens need to be controlled.

In less than one year citizens have the right to choose: more of Obama’s version of Hope and Change or? What do you hope will change after the next election?

I hope that all the regulations put in place the last 3 years are put on HOLD. Let’s wind back the tape. What say you?


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