The Bishop is from Africa. He is an Episcoplaian Bishop. His formal title is, Rt. Rev. Sadock Makaya, Bishop of Western Tanganyika. He is here in California for a week.
When Bishop Makaya spoke it was dificult for persons sitting behind him to understand him. He used complex, compound sentences and his articulation of English was not easy to understand.
Bishop Makaya’s message was clear: Today we celebrate All Saints Day. We remember the Christian saints that came before us. And we pray that the saints of today will lead lives that inspire others when they too pass on.
Some want to divide. The [Episcopalian] church needs to stay unified, said the Bishop from Africa.
And after the Bishop finished, the congregation renewed their commitment as Christians by saying the Nicene Creed which ends with:
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
As I looked around at the congregation, I looked for unfamiliar faces. There were a few. However, there were no children, only one teenager and many people in the congregation appear to be in their 70’s and older. [The service was the 11 am service which tends to draw older members of the congregation.]
The church in Western Tanganyika adds new members weekly said the Bishop.
In two weeks the Episcopalian church in Aptos [St. John’s Episcopal Church] will say “god speed” to their organist of 24 years.
Music Director, Bill Visscher, moves on to All Saints Episcopal Church in San Francisco. If you like great organ music, after Nov. 27 you can hear Bill Visscher perform there. Go to the web site for All Saints at allsaintssf.org located at 1350 Waller Street, San Francisco 415 621-1862 All Saints, San Francisco
The congregation of St. John’s will miss Bill Visscher dearly.
And now we say god speed to Bishop Makaya for a safe trip back to Western Tanganyika. And we send our love to his wife Edith and their five children.
What question would you ask of Bishop Makaya from Western Tanganyika?
written by Cameron Jackson  drCameronJackson@gmail.com Â