Aptos Psychologist: Obama, Occupy Wall Street and the SEIU union line up like the game of TIC, TAC, TOE …

Obama, SEIU and Occupy Wall Street line up like Tic, Tac, Toe
Obama, SEIU and Occupy Wall Street line up like Tic, Tac. Toe

President Obama, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and the SEIU union line up as in the game of TIC, TAC TOE.

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SEIU Union President Mary Kay Henry Arrested On Brooklyn Bridge Supporting Occupy Wall Street ProtestsPosted on November 18, 2011

“Moments like this make my job easy. I have been writing and producing video evidence that super-union SEIU planned the Occupy Wall Street movement for two months now. I have been doing this to refute false claims being made by Big Media outlets like ABC News and Time Magazine who have consistently reported that OWS is a “leaderless” movement, a spontaneous uprising of the people.” These reports are false.

SEIU, funded by George Soros money, has been planning OWS since at least March of this year, when former SEIU executive Stephen Lerner was videotaped imploring a union audience in Seattle that “we need to create a crisis” which would disable and dismantle the US banking system.

Andy Stern, an SEIU leader, has personally visited Barack Obama at the White House more than 22 times since Obama took office in 2009.

It was SEIU lobbyists hammering Congress for months on end, who the ones responsible for the passage of the only two pieces of legislation to come out of the first term of Barack Obama’s presidency: the 2009 Financial Recovery Act, [ aka the bank bail out bill ] and Obamacare. If you want to know who has really been running the country for the past three years look no further than SEIU.

Last night the current president of SEIU, Mary Kay Henry, was arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge while marching with the protesters and confronting police.

“…Building a new movement for social and economic justice in our country …” Is this “new movement” that Mary Kay refers to a socialist or communist movement? What is the REAL objective of SEIU in endorsing #OWS and Obama in 2012?

I believe there should be a formal investigation into the relationship between SEIU, Barack Obama and the Occupy Movement. When the movement tips the brink and falls over into open revolution against the government of the nation, there should be a legal precedent to take action. Our constitution states that the highest office in the land has a duty to protect our nation from all enemies, both without, and within.Barack Obama has been doing just the opposite. I would venture to say that the Occupy Movement was planned and nurtured during those many meetings Obama had with Andy Stern in 2009 and 2010. There needs to be a formal congressional investigation of what took place in those meetings between Andy Stern and Barack Obama in 2009, 2010, and the minutes thereof need to be made public. All of it needs to be aired.

It’s time to call for an investigation of SEIU and what has been going on behind the scenes that has led to people spilling into the streets, many thousands of them not even having the vaguest idea what it is they are really protesting about.

I see what SEIU is doing to instigate violence uprising in the streets as a clear and present danger to the republic of the United States of America.

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This entry was posted in Alternative News Reports and tagged Andy Stern, barack obama, Brooklyn Bridge, Mary Kay Henry, Occupy Wall Street, SEIU, Service Employees International Union, White House. Bookmark the permalink.
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2 Responses to SEIU Union President Mary Kay Henry Arrested On Brooklyn Bridge Supporting Occupy Wall Street Protests
Edward Ross-Adams | November 19, 2011 at 12:40 pm | Reply EXCELLENT a million times over.

I believe there should be a formal investigation into the relationship between SEIU, Barack Obama and the Occupy Movement. When the movement tips the brink and falls over into open revolution against the government of the nation, there should be a legal precedent to take action. Our constitution states that the highest office in the land has a duty to protect our nation from all enemies, both without, and within.Barack Obama has been doing just the opposite.
THAT is the truth and the heart of it.

All over the world those who have traded in fraud and criminal acts, engaging upon subversion for serf-sering goals and purposes, one by one are hitting the skids and they have nothing to fall back on.

There is an increase of truth coming into the open despite the owned and controlled propaganda from the subversive media bases.
It all looks threatening and confusing, but when people with courage and initiative bring the truth, initially you get confusion and step by step that clears and things move to a better base.

Each part of the malicious subversive intent that lies behind the visible public outcry of “useful idiots” is coming to light. Intent to commit murder, fraud and criminal acts of harm are all part of the subversion.

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