Congressman Sam Farr has failed to get local MDâ€
Is Sam Farr simply ineffective? You decide:
Payment to health providers: Various health professionals (including MD physicians, psychiatrists and psychologists) in Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties are paid much less per patient than physicians in urban areas such as San Jose and near by cities.
So what? It matters because MDâ€
This has been an on-going problem for years. Repeatedly, Democrat congressman Sam Farr has been asked to get the designation changed so that Santa Cruz, CA and Monterey are not considered ‘ruralâ€
Congressman Sam Farr has failed — and continues to fail — to get the designation changed.
Back in 2007, Sam Farr said in public meetings that the best way to increase reimbursements for our ‘ruralâ€
Well, Sam Farr got what he said was necessary: Since 2008, the Democrats have been in control. And the Democrats have passed just about everything they want.
Despite control by the Democrats, Sam Farr has still never gotten the designation changed so that local MD doctors are paid equivalent to near by urban areas.
So, Sam Farr failed under the Republicans and he has failed under the Democrats to get the designation changed so our MDâ€
How much failure by Sam Farr should voters accept? Enough is enough seems to me.
What say you?