Firenze Sage: the girls in the neighborhood… [law firm supposedly maintains condo for prostitutes]

law firm has girls available
law firm has girls available

Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein said his downtown Fort Lauderdale law firm maintained a condo across the street where he and his law partners would have sex with prostitutes and then come back to work, according to transcripts of his testimony that were unsealed Wednesday.

The imprisoned fraudster said his law firm spent tens of thousands of dollars per month on escorts, offering the women’s services to friends, investors and business associates.

“There were probably times when we spent $50,000, $60,000 a month on escorts,” Rothstein said. “It just depends. When there were political things in town, more. Big functions, conventions, more. People in town to entertain, more money. But it was a lot of money just for the law partners that were using escorts. Some of them had fairly voracious escort habits.”

Word is the lawyers union is demanding prostitute breaks for all members.
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13 years ago

Per The Heritage Foundation, the federal govt spent 2.6 MILLION dollars to train prostitutes to drink more responsibly. I kid you not.

13 years ago

Per The Heritage Foundation, the federal govt spent 2.6 MILLION dollars to train prostitutes to drink more responsibly. I kid you not.