Food police in CA win.  Assemblyman Bill Monning, D-Carmel,  introduced legislation to restrict mobile food vending near school campuses. [This bill  id now law.]
The bill prohibits food and beverage vending within 1,500 feet of elementary and secondary school campuses from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on any days schools are in session. It also requires local health agencies to notify mobile food vendors of this restriction.
“The mobile vending of unhealthful snacks like ice cream, chips and sugar-sweetened beverages near school campuses undermines efforts to provide students with the nutrition they need,” Monning said. “At a time when childhood obesity is at epidemic levels, we must ensure that our school environments foster student wellness.”
According to Monning, mobile vending near school campuses creates incentive for students to leave school grounds, which increases their exposure to off-campus hazards such as heavily trafficked streets.
This is bogus on many grounds. Kids leave school at lunchtime anyway. The roach coach is at the curb which is closer than the store down the street. The union workers at the school cafeteria benefit while the non union workers are expelled from business.
1500 feet from any school will encompass most of many cities. And, finally, who appointed Monning as Chief cook? Legislative obesity is a problem so let’s regulate their food.