Firenze Sage: the 3 year old bomber in his wheel chair

TSA swabs child's body

The 3 yr old [ a possible jihadist according to TSA] in a wheel chair due to a broken leg might have a bomb hidden in his lap. No bomb found? Then keep checking the child’s body.

A vacation in the Magic Kingdom should be enough to make a child giddy with excitement, but one young boy was left trembling with fear after he was subjected to an invasive TSA pat-down.

The three-year-old child and parents were at O’Hare Airport in Chicago. They were boarding a flight to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

Despite constant assurances from his father that ‘everything is OK’, the three year old boy physically trembles with fear and asks his parents to hold his hand. The terrified boy was swabbed on his hands and under his shirt for explosive residue. But TSA, what about the child’s cast? No swab stuck down inside the cast? How about checking inside his ears? [TSA literature says only hands are swabbed.]

Well, if you cannot find a bomb then look for the residue.

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