Odd Bodkins: Gun running by USA

Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious gun running operation resulted in death of Agent Terry & hundreds of Mexicans. Holder refuses to turn over documents. Congress to vote on contempt charges.

The questions abound re Fast and Furious.
Who devised the plan?
Who is in the chain of command?
What did they hope to accomplish?
How did they expect to track weapons without gps devices?
Did anyone raise the question about how the weapons would be tracked?
Why were weapons abandoned at the scene of the crime?
Who authorized wire taps in this caper?
Who was tapped?
What did the taps reveal?
Which Justice Dept fund paid for all this?
Who authorized payment?
Why is any of this subject to executive privilege?

This simply does not make sense. It seems the guns were gone forever which was obvious from the beginning. So what’s the point. Politicians may be this stupid but the cops certainly aren’t. And since when do criminals leave weapons behind at the scene of the crime.

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