Aptos Psychologist: Obama ‘Opps what rule of law?’

In America the Law is key …

The Obama Moto:  Why  follow the rule of law when you can skirt it, ignore it or just plain  forget it! 


The following exerpt is from Dr. Clark Jensen titled Rule of Law.

“Letâ€s list some of the ways the Obama administration has ignored the rule of law in the past three plus years:

I am sure there are many other ways the Obama administration has skirted the rule of law. 

“My list is only the tip of the iceburg.  What we all need to understand is that the Obama approach is moving us backwards as a nation towards the time when people were governed not by laws but by men.  I donâ€t trust Obama nor do I trust any other man to by my king.  You shouldnâ€t either.

The rule of law is much better than the rule of men!”   written by Dr. Clark Jensen   


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