Firenze Sage: Boos and cheers for Romney at NAACP because …

Romney’s speech at the NAACP an important one.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP)  needs a name change and an a change in attitudes  so they stop jousting at windmills and see non-existent slights in every word coming from a conservative Republican.  At the NAACP convention,  Mitt  Romney said he would stand up for the Black family, for better school choice for Black  children and for the sanctity of  marriage.

If you know one thing about Mitt Romney’s speech before the NAACP convention in Houston this week it’s probably that he was booed for vowing to repeal ObamaCare.

What you may not know is that he got a standing ovation as he left the stage and his speech  elicited applause several times during the 25-minute address to the nation’s oldest civil rights group. 

 Meanwhile, NAACP officials downplayed the  positive reactions to Romney’s speech  as not really real.
Hilary Shelton, who heads the the NAACP’s  Washington, D.C. chapter, suggested most of the applause came from Romney campaign supporters who were  planted in the audience.

“Quite frankly, the campaign actually gave me a list of African-American VIPs that they brought into the NAACP meeting,” Shelton said on “The Ed Show”. “These are people who are brought in to actually provide the cheering for him, so there will be some support along those lines” said Hilary Shelton.



Down on the lefty plantation you  [who applauded Romney] could not possibly have had a mind of your own. So some ringer pretended to be you.


Joseph Curl of The Washington Times views Romney’s speech quite important:


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