An undercover TSA inspector with an improvised explosive device stuffed in his pants got past two security screenings at Newark Airport — including a pat-down — and was cleared to get on board a commercial flight, sources told The Post yesterday.
With the inert “bomb†stashed somewhere in his pants, he got through the magnetometer undetected at around 11 a.m. He was then pulled aside for a physical screening, and a TSA agent failed to discover the IED and allowed the “bomber†to go to his gate.
Newark Airport, which has 1,400 screeners and supervisors, has long struggled with security.
Last year, 52 baggage and traveler screeners were fired and another 19 disciplined for major security lapses and thefts.

At the same time 500 gallons of toothpaste were seized.   JAJ48@aol.com
more posts from Firenze Sage Shoveling Smoke
Go Google “pat downs” and the images are stunning: Government treats citizens as criminals. Time to say No More! Fear & scare tactics don’t catch terrorists.Â