Aptos Psychologist: Obama’s policies shrink wrap the economy & jobs

Obama’s tax & welfare polices shrink wrap USA jobs

Why get a job when Obama offers 2 years jobless insurance, food stamps, Medicaid, disability and various  tax credits even for having  more children.

In Feb. 2013 nearly 1/2 million left the civilian work force.  The retired, quit working, went back to school or gave up looking for work.

“Obama[s tax and welfare policies shrink the workforce precisely when we need more workers to pay for the entitlements Obama does not want to reform” says the Wall Street Journal April 6-7, 2013.

What can we do? Work for education reform.    Support charter schools  which offer better education at three-quarters the cost.  Support vouchers so that state education  money follows the child and parents choose what is best for their children.  Our failing public education system does not give young people the skills they need to compete in the information economy.


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