
Let’s have fun with Healthcare.gov website!!
It’s easy and fun and it’s the government way …
Use healthcare.gov  so that  your elderly, dead  relatives (over age120) get the government assistance they “need”, don’t want and cannot use.
 What might happen if too many visitors go to healthcare.gov??  It just might crash. Â
Rule #1:  cover your tracks.  Create a new email account  just for Healthcare.gov  Make sure the User Name is long and complicated, e.g. Cowgirl1909fromTexas  is a good one as it’s long.
Just creating an account may put a  strain  on the system. Â
Go to AOL Â or G-MAIL etc. and get a new account that you will use only for healthcare.gov
Go ahead and use this one:   Cowgirl1909fromTexas   Password:  Sunshine12  Change the numbers. Â
Once you have that new email account for your relative age 120+ then go to:
Here’s an example:  At age 120,  my Aunt Bessie is a bit  on the creaky  side. She  needs all that Obama-Care can provide.
No, Aunt Bessie  does not want a Death Squad notice that she has lived too long. Â
And actually Aunt Bessie passed on about 20 years ago.  I do know her social security number and I do remember her every  year on her birthday … And she did live in Texas …  And she is a real person who truly lived… And I do want to remember her …
When they ask which state? choose a large state such as Texas as there will be more choices.
We all must have at least 5+ elderly relatives — who have passed on — that could use some Obama-Care ….
Let’s put a smile on some bureaucrat’s face!  Sign up lots of  relatives all over age 120.
 Just log in.  Don’t do anything more.  But do come back and visit the site many, many times …
If we all visit healthcare.gov at once maybe we can hear the crash!!
Remember — do cover your tracks!! Â Â written by annonymous.com