Look before you  leap is good advice for all job seekers – including  licensed Ph.D.  clinical  psychologists considering a job  with   San Andreas Regional Center located in northern California.
There are openings with San Andreas Regional Center: Two psychologist jobs  are open as of  Labor Day, 2015.  One in Salinas and one in Watsonville, CA.
Back to basics:  Are you a licensed California  Ph.D. psychologist?  Are you looking for a job?
Before you “leap” and take  job as psychologist with San Andres Regional Center,  consider the following:
 Get in writing from your employer  Executive Director  Javier Zaldivar  that  staff (not you) will obtain current, up to date medical and educational records concerning prospective clients.
To do your work, which  largely consists of  writing psychological assessments of prospective clients applying  under autism or intellectual disability,  you need current up to date medical and school records.  Having current records  available for review assists you when testing clients and  doing your psychological assessments.
 Why does this matter?
DAY TO DAY RESPONSIBILITIES:   If you don’t  ahead of time get it in writing that San Andreas Regional Center  staff and not you will get up to date medical and educational records   —  you may be asked to write assessment  reports based  strictly on  the records available  in the file. And those records can be quite old.  And that can be a drag.
What does that mean?
If you went to any MD you’d expect them to make a diagnosis based on the most current, up to date information, correct? You want the most accurate diagnosis, right?  Well, you as a licensed Ph.D.  psychologist  need current,  up to date  medical and school records on which to base your diagnosis and your  recommendation whether the applicant is eligible for regional center services.
As licensed Ph.D.  psychologists are mandated to meet American Psychological Association ethical standards (code 9.0),  it’s important that regional center staff  obtain current,  up to date school and medical  records  which will allow you to meet your legal and ethical duties.
WILL  THIS JOB CHALLENGE YOU TO GROW?  See separate  posts  on whether a job as psychologist with San Andreas Regional Center will allow you to build your skills.  During the interview, be sure to ask about career paths and how psychologists assist the agency  in general  ways.
For example, how to psychologists contribute to the goals and objectives of the agency as set by  the  Executive Team for San Andreas Regional Center?  The Director in charge of  the Executive Team is Javier Zaldivar.  He  has offices at Campbell 408 341 3476 and  Gilroy 408 8462028.
San Andreas Regional Center describes itself as a community based, private non-profit corporation funded by the state of Calfornia.  It is  one of 24 organizations in California which provide services to persons with disabilities  including those with  autism, intellectual disability and those  who  require treatment/ services similar to persons with intellectual disability.
For general information including  about  employment visit   http://www.sanandreasregional.org
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