Follow the money.
Money matters. Pay your   staff the going rate and you’re  more likely to retain staff.
And if you want to  encourage turnover? Then pay your  staff  less than the going rate.
Looks like Golden Gate Regional Center and San Andreas Regional Center  want to retain their Human Resource (HR) Directors.
Both regional centers  (Golden Gate and San Andreas)  pay $126 K for their Human Resource Directors. The Human Resource top  job requires a Master’s degree.  The  job does not require a license.
The San Andreas Human Resource  Director has had the job for five years.  That HR Director is well paid.

In contrast, it  looks like  San Andreas  Regional Center does not want to retain Psychologists. And —  Golden Gate wants to retain their Psychologists.
Top pay for a Psychologist is only  $72 K at  San Andreas Regional Center.  In contrast,  top pay at Golden Gate is  $93K – a difference of  $21 K. That’s nothing to sneeze at.
What is the going pay  rate for Psychologists?   It varies. The County of Santa Cruz pays $93 K for their Psychologists. Kaiser Permanente in San Jose pays $133 K.
Currently, San Andreas Regional Center has 2 jobs available for Psychologists.  One Psychologist  position  for San Andreas Regional Center has been advertised more than a year. Perhaps there are no takers  because San Andreas pays low and does not want to retain Psychologists?
At San Andreas Regional Center, where can a Psychologist go up from Psychologist? San Andreas Regional Center hires an  Autistic Spectrum Disorder Clinical Coordinator for  $110 K. That position is filled  and the  person filling the job has been around many years.  $110K for the  highest paid Psychologist at San Andreas  is  within the range between  $93 K for a County  government job  and $133 K paid by the private sector (Kaiser).
Recently in 2015  the overall chain of command structure at San Andreas Regional Center  structure changed substantially.  The #3 top management job went to someone closely associated with the current top executive Javier Zaldivar.   This person used to be  a district manager for a branch office.  This  person may  a Master’s degree.  After the top executive and the second in command (both men), currently  two women hold top management positions #3 and #4.  All those top management positions (#1, #2, #3 and #4) are highly paid  positions which do not require a license or a Ph.D.
San Andreas Regional Center  describes itself as a community oriented,  private non-profit corporation.  NOTE:  Non-profit does not mean that management is paid lowly wages. Far from it.  San  Andreas Regional Center top management are quite well paid.   And it looks like $126 K for a  Human Resource Director is the going rate.
Why does San Andreas Regional Center  choose to pay so low for Psychologists?  Does the agency deliberately encourage turn over? Comparing the numbers of Golden Gate Regional Center with those for San Andreas Regional Center  — the answer is YES.
The current head of  the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS)  is Santi Rodgers.  For more than 15 years Santi Rodgers was the top executive for San Andreas Regional  Center.  Mr. Rodgers moved to Sacramento and was replaced by  Mr. Javier Zaldivar.
Mr. Javier Zaldivar  continues the policy of  very low pay for licensed Ph.D.  Psychologists.  The very low pay policy  was the policy of  predecessor  Santi Rodgers,  now  the top executive for  California Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
Follow the money.  There are reasons for very low pay for Psychologists hired by San Andreas  Regional Center. YES  — always follow the money.  written by Cameron Jackson  drcameronjackson@gmail.com
Makes sense. SARC’s staff psychologist is Carrie Mulhoe, a stupid idiot, lucky to have any job. I think she is getting overpaid already.