Why huge increase autism 1990 to 2000? Â Nine (9) Â of 10,000 kids born in 1990 got autism. Â Ten years later, in 2000 Â forty-four (44) in 10,000 had autism.
Enviornmental causes? Yes.  It’s time to focus on  metals, pesticides and  infectious agents says  researchers  at M.I.N.D.
A study by researchers at the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute has found that the seven- to eight-fold increase in the number children born in California with autism since 1990 cannot be explained by either changes in how the condition is diagnosed or counted — and  the trend shows no sign of abating.
Published in the January 2009 issue of the journal Epidemiology, results from the study also suggest that research should shift from genetics to the host of chemicals and infectious microbes in the environment that are likely at the root of changes in the neurodevelopment of California’s children.
“It’s time to start looking for the environmental culprits responsible for the remarkable increase in the rate of autism in California,†said UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute researcher Irva Hertz-Picciotto, a professor of environmental and occupational health and epidemiology and an internationally respected autism researcher.
Many researchers, State of California organizations and advocacy organizations view rise with skepticism says Dr. Iva Hertz-Picciotto.
The M.I.N.D. research is based on data provided by the California Department of Developmental Services.  The DDS  research was published in April, 2003 and is available on the California Department of Developmental Services  website.

We know there is a huge increase in autism. Â In 2009 there was 1 in 150. Now in 2015 Â one child in 65 that have autism. That’s a huge increase.
So are  children getting identified earlier and receiving California Regional Center services any earlier than in 2005?
Are parents in 2015 Â who get California Early Start services requesting assessment for on-going Regional Center services at age three?
If you suspect that your child is not developing normally in social communication abilities and your child is under age three you can request assessment by your local Regional Center psychologist  for ongoing services.
If your child has a valid  diagnosis of autism and is substantially handicapped in three (3) life areas your child may be eligible for on-going Regional Center services.
M.I.N.D. researchers say that California state agencies are skeptical about the rise of autism.
The facts are there.  Why are California state agencies skeptical?  Perhaps agencies are skeptical  because on-going services for autism are expensive?
On the website for the Department of Developmental Services on the right side under publications you can find all the DDS publications available for download as a PDF file.
Contact Cameron Jackson  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com  for further information