Cajun navy fires back

Cajun navy fires back.  

Cajun navy fires back at Obama’s memo

Letter to Obama   goes viral. 

Obama lectures about possible racism in clean up

A Louisiana resident responds  to President Obamaâ€s nondiscrimination memo to flood victims in the region.

Obama’s  memo  lectures  victims on the issue of racism.   

Ben Husser lives in  Hammond, Louisiana,  about an hour out of Baton Rouge.

Ben  posted an open letter to Obama on the issue of race, sarcastically saying “Had you not reminded us of this I donâ€t know what we would have done.”

Ben  Husser writes, “See we rode around in a boat saving people and well race or religion never entered my mind,” Husser  continues, “Not once. It didnâ€t enter my buddies mind or my wifeâ€s. Just saving people.”

saving people as “we love each other..”

“I understand you may be miss informed because of all the race baiting that the media did a couple months ago here in South Louisiana,”

Husser continued. “But I assure you thatâ€s not what we stand for in South Louisiana. We love each other when the times get hard. We look out for our own. Now I know this doesnâ€t fit your agenda. But facts are facts.”

saving lives and animals whoever they are
saving people what Husser and others did

Husser then asked that Obama remain in Washington, D.C., playing golf and enjoying his last few months in office.

Obama plays golf

Husser then  fired back concerning Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, writing “Let ya buddy Ms Clinton know we donâ€t need her either.”

saving lives

Obamaâ€s Justice Department memo asked flood victims and residents in Louisiana to not be racist in hiring clean-up crews


Firenze Sage:

Is this not conclusive evidence that it is Obama who is race obsessed. He makes Jefferson Davis look like Lincoln.


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