Kick that dependency habit! Â blacks, whites and whatever color you are!
 Are you part of the 90 million not working?  You are watching TV.  Tune out the ads and tune is time to figure out how to get a job.
 How to get a job?  Start your version of a lemon aide stand.
Figure out how you can grow America by starting your own job and employing one other person.  And  Listen to what Trump has to say.  A bigger economy will make for better paying jobs.  Be part of Make America Great.  What are the last letters of American?  I-CAN.  Yes, you can!
Letter in  Wall Street Journal Aug. 9:  “Jason Riley†s “Why Trump Shouldn†t Write Off the Black Vote†(op-ed, Aug. 3) should make Donald Trump†s staffers think how they can effectively communicate the virtues of a growing economy and a better jobs message to black voters. The leaked Democratic National Committee emails give them the perfect talking point.
“Mr. Trump should point out how the Democrats don†t really care about black people, only about their votes.Hillary Clinton wants to keep black Americans reliant on the government so they have no choice but to vote Democratic. Mr. Trump should focus on the battleground states with significant black voters, conveying the message:
“if you want to be free of the government slavery you are now yoked with and enjoy personal dignity experienced through better jobs at fair wages, vote Republican.â€
“As a white Southerner, I celebrate so many accomplishments made by the black community over the past few decades, yet at the same time mourn for its future. Considering crime, drugs, fatherless families, lack of discipline, horrible schools and neighborhoods, the next several decades for the majority of black Americans look bleak. As Einstein said, insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. Blacks voting Democratic falls within that definition. By leading with the DNC emails, Mr. Trump might hit enough nerves to make a difference.”
Charles Cannada   Ridgeland, Miss. above from letter to editor, Wall Street Journal, August 9, 2016Â