Take that Hilary! Jesse Jackson gushes his support for Trump.That was in 1998. Â See the videos.
rainbow coalition supported Trump 1999
Oh, dear, what will Hilary say?
A C-SPAN video documents at least one, if not two, Push Coalition forums from as early as 1998 that focused on Wall Street, minority business executives, and the black community, honoring those whoâ€
Who is the other notable person being honored at the gathering?
Donald J. Trump.Â
Why? Â Because of his support of and investment in the black community.
Jesse Jackson was absolutely gushing with praise for Trump, whose work crews comprised a disproportionately high percentage of black and Hispanic builders, stating:
Let me bring forth a friend who has, well, he is deceptive in his social style [inaudible], one can miss his seriousness and his commitment for the success is beyond argument…He has a sense of the curious and a will to make things better.