Hey God, right now we’re on our smart phones for healing now, OK?

     Let’s do the long distance healing today  that Jesus did.         

Yes,  use smart phones  for long distance Christian  healing says Anglican priest William DeArteaga and others.

All Christian believers have some abilities for healing.   Let’s collectively do it  — and working together  heal others with God’s help.  See DeArteaga’s writings:

From the writings of William DeArteaga:   “A brief report on a TERRIFIC healing conference I was privileged to lead. It took place on Sat. Oct. 24, 2015  at the Anglican Church of the Redeemer, in Camden, North Carolina.

It was an all day workshop stressing the authority of the Christian to bring healing prayer to the community and use healing as an evangelistic tool. You can see an outline of the course from the excellent webpage the church prepared for this conference HERE. Some marvelous healing took place of allergies, bad backs, and more serious conditions such as paralysis.

A particularly beautiful incident happened during one of the prayer exercises. I had talked about how the Gifts of the Spirit help in the healing ministry, and about how back in 1953, Agnes Sanford, the great pioneer of healing prayer, was exhausted from praying for others.

Agnes  met with two of here friends, who were also into the healing ministry and also exhausted from constant prayer. They asked for God’s guidance and got, “Pray for the Holy Ghost.” They did so, two on two, two on two, and two on two. They all received a wonderful fresh infilling of the Spirit and refreshment to their bodies.

(The incident is told in my new book Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism and the Coming of the Charismatic Renewal. You can get it at a discount HERE I am sorry the price is still high – I did not set it)

We did a similar exercise. In one of the groups doing the exercise a young woman, Hannah, began singing in tongues very beautifully as she laid hands on a woman who had multiple illnesses. When she finished she sang again in English – interpreting what she had just said in tongues. I talked to the lady with the infirmities afterwards, and she said that as Hannah sang in tongues she received in her mind the interpretation, the very same words that she then repeated in English.

This was thankfully caught on video, you can check it out HERE

We added several new exercise to the workshop. One was to practice long distance healing by calling someone who is ill over the smart phone (a land-line will work as well). In each group a person called was surrounded by four to six persons in support. It was marvelous. The folks at Redeemer said they would continue doing this as they met in various Bible studies, vestry meetings, etc. (Does this give you an idea?)

The next exercise was wonderfully funny. I have been concerned that many persons are too shy to come to a person in a public place, such as a Walmart, and offer healing prayer. For instance, as when we see someone grimacing in pain or sniffling from a cold. The exercise was to do a “skit” with one person in the group demonstrating some illness, and a person who had NEVER done such a public prayer offer healing prayer. Talk about funny! One person feigned having a heart attack and fell on the floor. The shy person immediately went into prayer and raised him from the dead! (I apologize I did not take a picture of this, I was laughing too hard!)


The above is written  by Anglican priest  William DeArteaga


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God heals today in so many ways.




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