insiders too often make – but not follow – the rules?

trump-an-outsiderTired of ‘insiders’ running America? Lots of  voters chose  Trump because he was an ‘outsider’ who might shake things up.

The ‘insiders’ did not follow the rules for upcoming vestry elections of St. John’s, an episcopal church in Aptos, CA.

Pay to pray —  if you want to be on the Vestry says one episcopal  church  having just a few days ago accepted proposed revisions to their Bylaws.   [St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Aptos, CA]

Looks like  another instance of the’insiders’ doing what they want — and not following the ‘rules’ laid out for others.

These Bylaws still have to be approved as legal by the Chancellor for the Diocese  of El Camino Real.  

The Chancellor  for the diocese is Nancy Mahomey Cohen.

Will  the Chancellor for the diocese agree that these proposed  revisions to the Bylaws for St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Aptos are indeed “legal”?

Will legal advise from the diocese agree that it’s  OK to require that potential Vestry members must make a Pledge of identifiable money during the preceding 6 months  to the Corporation  to be on the Vestry?

Her email:

Here’s what happened: 

At an episcopal church level it’s possible to self-nominate or nominate someone else to sit on the church board.

The rules to follow sent by email  on Sept. 29, 2016.

One long time  member followed the rules and submitted a petition to place  another member  on the list  for nominees.   The applicant   ‘an outsider’  strictly  in the sense that  the applicant  was  not nominated by the ‘insiders’ on the  Nomination Committee.

The Clerk appropriately followed the rules, kept the name secret,  and on the correct date  turned over the name of the applicant to the Nominating Committee.

Here’s where the  ‘insiders’   did not follow the rules.  The applicant only had to meet two requirements:  be over the age of 14 and be listed on the Parish Registrar.  The applicant met both conditions.

After receiving the name, the Nominating Committee should have put that name ‘in the basket’.  That’s it.  Job done. Instead, the Nominating Committee (no Chair) decided to turn it over to the interim priest and senior warden.

At the  most recent Vestry meeting  the interim priest said that he was asked by the Nominating Committee to ask the applicant two questions …..  

The Nominating Commitee  — the Vestry — stopped doing its job and turned it over to the interim priest and one warden.  Opps! The insiders did not follow the rules laid on in the Sept. 29 email

Per review of the Bylaws, the Vestry shall nominate a Chair of the Nominating Committee.  When asked,  Junior Warden Andy Pudan  stated that there was no Chair. Andy P. stated that he, Diane Scofield and Vicky Wilson  were on the Nominating Committee.    That meets the Bylaw rules that 3 members from the Vestry be on the Nominating Committee.  [The Bylaws also allow 2 other menbers.]   Another Vestry member Jon Showwalter   (not on the Nominating Committee)  said to the Clerk  that Charles Greenleaf  was an  ‘adviser’  to the Committee.

The most recent Vestry meeting was called to discuss and accept proposed  changes to the Bylaws.  Charles  Greenleaf, who was present as Guest for the preceding two Vestry meetings, was not present at the November 2016 meeting.

take-awayTakeAway from the November, 2016  Vestry meeting:  A Pledge to the church is a requirement if you want to be on the church board.

Maybe someone will review these Bylaws and say No!


written by Cameron Jackson







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[…] the past, there have been a number of  issues that relate to communication.  Why cash given to a church does not count  is one of […]

Jon Showalter
Jon Showalter
8 years ago

I am most heartened by Cameron’s de-escalation of language. She has stopped calling people names. This small step will do great wonders to repair the hurt she has caused many of us who love St. John’s and respect its leaders. This has been a difficult election for St. John’s. After at least a decade where the number of candidates were equal to or less than the number of vacancies we have an election where we have more candidates than vacancies. We all had to looked up the rules, probably for the first time, regarding qualifications for candidacy with no known… Read more »