Did Jesus  ever ask for money?  No.
What is a church? A church is not a building.
And a church consists of  people who contribute in a multitude of ways.  The plumber who fixes a  broken pipe. The lay minister who takes communion to the sick. In a multitude of ways, individuals contribute.
Opps! Some people who hold the keys to the church building sometimes forget that the church consists of individuals who contribute variously.  One church  in particular egregiously forgets!
It looks  like  church — some leaders overseeing the church building —  forgets that Jesus never asks for money. It appears that this church may stack the deck regarding upcoming elections.
There’s no merit in cash  — no proof that you gave to the church said the interim priest at St. John’s Episcopal, Aptos, CA to one applicant.  And, since you —  can’t show that you contributed money during the last six months of  2016  you can’t  run for church board.
My, my ….
Interim priest  sees no merit in CASH donations? What’s wrong with cash?
B. Kell participates variously at St. John’s. Â Currently, he serves as Senior Warden and assists the Rector of the church. B. Kell assisted the priest in determining whether someone was a Member of the church who could stand for elections.
Back to basics: Â Jesus never asked for money. Â And it’s people who are the church and who contribute variously.
So how do you participate — contribute —  in your church?  Are you   the plumber who comes early to the church building  to fix for free a broken pipe.  Or the lawyer who gives freely of his or her legal skills?  Or the person who comes weekly to answer the phones?
It’s individuals who contribute to make Jesus present in the world.
By the way —  there is CHAT on this website and we’re happy to ‘chat’ about  this.  Interested?
written by Cameron Jackson
Monerey Bay Forum
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com
Happy to 'chat' !
Oh, please. Merritt+ only role was to screen nominee’s given to him by the nominating committee against the contributor’s database generated by the bookkeeper, not to interpret it. And now you attack Bill Kell? He had no role in this at all, and one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met. This is an internal dispute resolvable, not necessarily to your liking, by the vestry elected by the members of the parish. Bring your evidence of contribution to the vestry, and truly stop the public airing of a private dispute. If you don’t like the ruling of the vestry, you… Read more »