Under the new EPA secretary Pruitt — the war on coal is over?
Obama  started the war on coal.
More and more jobs across America as well as in the coal industry  were disappearing every year of the Obama administration. That trend will change under Pruitt.
from NetRightDaily.com  2/17/17: ” The rust belt was integral to Trump’s election in part because of their reliance on coal; for states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Indiana, three of which Trump won, Trump was the easy decision to get the people back to work and make the economy stable once again. Yet all four of these states have Democrats in office, all up in 2018 as well, who voted against Pruitt: Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Mark Warner and Joe Donnelly.
In a statement, Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning blasted these senators as “those politicians who voted against the Pruitt nomination told the workers in their states they prefer San Francisco radical environmentalist campaign cash over the votes and livelihoods of their constituents.â€
Clearly, Heitkamp and Manchin are focused on creating jobs for their constituents and retaining their position in 2018, and proof was their vote for Pruitt. Brown, Casey, Warner and Donnelly, not so much.
President Obama led the war on coal, and now Scott Pruitt is about to end it as EPA Administrator.
The work Pruitt  has done in Oklahoma sets the stage for ending EPA overreach and in doing so, he can force other Democrats in the Senate to actually start listening to their constituents — or else face the music in 2018.”  above quote from NetRightDaily.com