Nancy Pelosi. Â Â Pelosi did not like the choice of Saudi Arabia.
 During a press briefing on Thursday, the House Minority Leader criticized the presidentâ€
“I thought it was unusual for the President of the United States to go to Saudi Arabia first. Saudi Arabia!†Pelosi said. “It wasn†The Democrat leader contrasted Trump†“Our friends and neighbors,†she said. “What was the decision-making process to go to Saudi Arabia first? That is a question that I have,†she said. If Trump were to begin visiting foreign countries by alphabetical order, he would first visit Afghanistan, followed by Albania, Algeria, Andorra and Angola. Is Nancy Pelosi really advocating for a Sesame Street strategy to boost foreign relations? —————————— Firenze Sage:  This is the leader of the people  [Democrat Party] who say Trump is incompetent.