Comcast, government, bureaucracy: Just keep ’em moving … what to do about The Big Shuffle?

Just keep ’em moving.  That’s what happens when you deal with  government and  bureaucracy.   Just try to start something new in a moribund organization — it won’t get off the ground.

Yesterday   — in Aptos, CA –  in a Parkinson’s support group a man  with severe Parkinson’s issues said to a government bureaucrat:

Can you help?  Whenever I contact Comcast I get the big shuffle …  Comcast used to come out and help when my service got messed up and now they do nothing …

And what did that government bureaucrat do?  Nothing.  He referred the man elsewhere.  Ah, yes, just keep ’em moving. That’s the  Big Shuffle.

What to do about COMCAST?   It used to be that they helped people who had problems. Now it’s just  ‘move ’em on….’

It’s not just COMCAST — it’s lots of organizations including churches.

You want to put a bench outside a church building?   You get referred to the architecture committee which does not meet officially anytime.

How about gathering up empty pill bottles and sending them oversees?  If the organization is moribund — those worthy  projects just don’t get off the ground.

What to do?  Don’t give up! Find a way!

written by Cameron Jackson



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