Research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford,  Ph.D. flunks  basic  professional standards  for psychologists –standards  related to fabricating data, deceptive statements and sharing research data for verification? Take a look.
American Psychological Standards (APA)  standards for psychologists  are not put on  akin to a business suit for   the 8 to 5 day.
For many professionals what they do – whether  doctor, lawyer, psychologist  becomes interweaved with the essence of who they are as a person  and  how they interact  in general  with people.
Read in their entirety, professional standards: expect professionals to show care towards all persons equally  and to provide options and ways for persons to respond back.  That thinking  underlies  the  professional standards for all psychologists, and all medical doctors.   Summed up – do no harm
Concerning  the APA standard for sharing research data for verification:
- Psychologist Christine Blasey. Ford failed to treat persons equally by a)  failing to notify  all parties e., President Trump, Republicans, the Judiciary Committee. She, a Democrat, who only notified other Democrats.
- Psychologist Blasey Ford failed to provide her Therapist Notes for general inspection by neutral parties.   Some stories floating around the Internet  say 4 boys  were involved and others refer to 2 boys. Most sources say no names are included in the therapist notes.
- No highly specific identifiable information is provided i.e., what they looked like, clothing, color of room, how this 15 – 18 year old woman got there or got home (as she did not drive).
What was the Therapist Treatment Goals related to the trauma Blasey-Ford says she  supposed experienced 30+ years ago. Diagnosis is the flip side of treatment.    If you go to a MD and he/she determines that you have a torn ligament and not a broken leg then thereâ€
Aptos Psychologist opines:
This woman, research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford, fails to meet basic professional standards. The standards that all Ph.D. research psychologists are expected to meet. What standards?  Read the American Psychological Association standards. Do no harm, take care in all your interactions with people and provide multiple means for feedback are part and parcel of the thinking that underlies the  APA standards. Read the specific APA professional standards — and consider in general what they mean.
Research psychologist measure — carefully –small differences using standardized tests in conjunction with careful, thorough behavioral observations and other information.  Noticing small differences and recording them and finding commonality in all of the information, i.e., how all the data (standardized test data,  various reports from various people, behavioral \observations) fits together. That’s what clinical/ research psychologists excell at doing. That’s what psychologists do best.
Research/ clinical psychologist Christine Blasley Ford, Ph.D. fails to meet basic professional standards.
written by Cameron Jackson, Ph.D.  Monterey Bay Forum