Dr. Ford not “Psychologist”, flies when testifies cannot fly & remodeled home before 2012 My! My!


Dr. Ford flies around the world for fun and work

Dr. Ford is not a CA  Psychologist as she claims. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology.  There’s the difference of  several thousand hours  of supervised training and  various exams one takes in California in order  to become  a Psychologist. She recently scrubbed literature describing herself as a Psychologist.  My! My!

Dr. Ford claims she could not fly to Washington D.C.  She actually flies world wide for vacation, see family on the east coast and work related. She has traveled to Costa Rica, Hawaii and other places for water sports.  She visits her parents yearly. This summer Dr. Ford spent one month on the east coast and attended the funeral of her grandmother the day of or before she took a lie detector test.  Mmmmm. Attend a family funeral and them take a exam that measures ones’s emotional state?

written by Cameron Jackson

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