Jay Inslee has a soccer ball for a brain?

Jay Inslee have a soccer ball for a brain?

Democratic Washington Governor and 2020 presidential hopeful Jay Inslee announced Saturday that, if elected, he would choose Megan Rapinoe to be his secretary of state.

Rapinoe and Long were videotaped dropping and stepping on the American flag during photos after the USA  team won the Women’s  World Soccer Cup.

“My first act would be to ask Megan Rapinoe to be my secretary of state,” Inslee said at the progressive Netroots Nation conference in Philadelphia, according to The Hill. “I havenâ€t asked her yet, so it could be a surprise to her.” (RELATED: The Real Reason For The U.S. Soccer Pay Gap Is Buried Inside A Guardian Analysis)

Inslee went on to say that he believed Rapinoeâ€s message was so inspiring to people because it was the “antithesis” of President Donald Trumpâ€s foreign policies.

She and teammate Allie Long caught backlash immediately following their World Cup win when video showed them dropping an American flag on the ground while they posed for postage photos. Fellow USWNT member Kelley Oâ€Hara quickly rushed in to grab the flag off the ground.


Firenze Sage    Other than disliking the country and admiring 2d string quarterbacks,what does this loudmouth  Inslee  do when Putin says,”I will annex Latvia.”

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