Are you ‘woke’? Accept your ‘white privilege’ guilt? Nope? Oh dear.

Are you ‘woke’?  Do you accept your racism and  ‘white privilege’ guilt? Nope…?

 Floyd George, a black unarmed man,  was killed May 25  in a large city, Minneapolis,which is   run by Democrat politics.

He  was killed   by a white cop with a long history of problem behaviors.  The national news has been  full of  riots, looting and demonstrations.

Black  men,  6% of the U.S. population, commit roughly 50% of violent crimes — murders and robberies. It’s blacks who  kill and rob other blacks in overwhelming numbers.

Black Lives Matters Inc.  (BLM)  has been much in the national news. BLM has held various demonstrations. What does BLM say about blacks killing fellow blacks, largely in their own neighborhoods?   Nothing.

The corporate organization  Black Lives Matter  (BLM) has no message opposing killings by blacks of other blacks.   BLM focuses on police killings of blacks and support de-funding the police as their ‘solution’.  What will happen to black neighborhoods with even fewer people wearing blue are  keeping the peace?  More violence.   Just recently, New York City removed 500 plain clothes police from street duty  and violent crime in the City  has skyrocketed.

So what to make of all this killing?  Blacks kill other blacks in huge numbers.   Unarmed blacks and whites get killed by  the police. 

So –  is it ‘whitey’ that’s the real problem?   Is racism — your racism–or  ‘structural racism’ — is  that’s  the problem?   Are you ‘woke’?  Do you accept your  supposed  ‘white privilege’ guilt?

Maybe you’re a bit  curious and willing to  learn  more about ‘white privilege’ and ‘structural racism’?

Well,  there’s workshops out there that seek to  ‘enlighten’  you.

I attended The Call of the Moment: an  Anti-Racism Workshop offered  via ZOOM by Dr. Lewis.  About 1300 attended.  Dr. Lewis plans more workshops in the future.

  Two books by Dr. Lewis are listed as  available on Amazon. One of her books  is The Power of Stories.  


Dr. Jacqui Lewis,  is Senior Minister of Middle Collegiate Church located in New York City.   She was ordained in the Presbyterian Church and has served in a senior  position  with Middle Collegiate  for about 15 years.  

Published on VOX on May 29,2020 is the following info:

About Dr. Lewis, here’s what I found:

 Dr. Lewis writes:  “And it’s not enough to condemn this particular presidential abuse without also naming how the president  [Trump] routinely kills and maims those on the margins through policy.

Tens of thousands of people are killed each year due to ridiculously lax gun legislation he [Trump]  defends. Child hunger is soaring because of our woefully anemic safety net and federal cruelty. Thousands have been kidnapped at our border at his [Trump’s]  command.

And more than 16,000 people have already died in my city [New York]  because the president failed to prepare for the coronavirus and did not prioritize giving New York the aid we needed.  [Oh really?  Factual problem here.]   

Dr. Lewis continues:  “So, while I’m horrified by the president’s callousness in demanding houses of worship be allowed to open, I cannot say I’m surprised. And I am not surprised by how many white Americans continue to support him — it is part of our country’s foundational white supremacy. Our social contract has always made its peace with brutality and death to secure the power of whiteness…..”   

Given the strong  bias against  President Trump that Dr. Lewis clearly expresses,  how ‘loose  with the facts’ might  Dr. Lewis be when she presents in an anti-racial  workshop?  More about the Workshop   will be discussed in a separate post.  

   As. Dr. Lewis lays a huge number of societal problems at one person’s door — President  Trump’s door –   how likely is she to consider that  behavior  on the part of blacks  is  part of the problem as well as part of the solution?    

Per the VOX post,  Dr. Lewis blames Trump for killing twelve  thousand people  in New York City (where she lives and works).  The facts do not support her allegations.

It is well publicized that the Mayor of New York moved COVID-19 persons into nursing homes and about 4,500 nursing home patients died.  That is what the Mayor  of New York City  did.   That’s the city where Dr. Lewis lives and works.     It is well known that Trump sent a hospital ship to New York  to help out and also it is well known that Trump  sent heaps of ventilators that were not needed but  New York City received  them. There are no indications that Trump killed  people in New York.

Dr. Lewis, as published by Vox, states ‘facts’ about Trump that are clearly erroneous for which there is no support.  

Take Away:  The workshop by Dr. Lewis on  anti-racism  makes no mention of the brutal  violence that   male Afro-Americans living in large Democrat controlled cities  inflict on other individuals  of their color, ethnicity and culture both on physical bodies  and on black  homes, businesses  and neighborhoods. Black  violent behaviors  harming other blacks was not touched on in the workshop.

Dr. Lewis does talk about ‘holding  environments’, that we find our identify in various contexts (home, school, church).  She talks about   that the first ‘holding environment’  — the womb. When bullets are flying near by that first ‘holding environment’ is at risk.   

When black males (6% of the population) commit 50% of murders against their neighbors who are black what’s the effect on the  ‘holding environments’ aka wombs of pregnant black women? Check the facts:   Floyd George  put a pistol to the stomach of a pregnant woman after pushing his way into her home.    Dr. Lewis writes that there were bullets  flying nearby when she was 8, living in Chicago, and  it was learned that Martin Luther King had been  assassinated.

I think it  matters  that Afro-Americans are killing, maiming children  and aborting black babies  in huge numbers.  As stated above,  50% of all murders and robberies are committed by  black men killing and robbing other blacks who are their neighbors.

In response to what I wrote about blacks killing blacks  one person, an episcopal  church leader  wrote:  “Those statistics  point to the effects of years of ‘systemic racism’ that have left black people with little to no opportunity and isolated them in ghettos where violence prevails.” 

A black author  in the WSJ Jason Riley says differently.  He writes  that riots caused businesses to leave inner cities which resulted in social pathologies.   Here are Riley’s  words:

“A common assumption among liberals is that the movement of inner-city jobs to the suburbs in the late 1960s is what led to the higher rates of crime, violence and other social pathologies associated with ghetto life. But this gets the order wrong. The business flight took place after the rioting, not before. Will history repeat itself?”

Someone,  a christian and  member of  an  episcopal church,  wrote on Facebook that a video by Candice Owen   ‘made him feel sick’.  He asked people to comment and  received  50-60 comments in response.

Some  said Candice Owens and Jason Riley, both black conservatives, are  ‘shills’ Three  disagreed including myself. 

  Aren’t you just a little more ‘woke’ now ?  the person writing on his Facebook page  asked of  one dissenter. “I reject most of what ‘woke’ stands for” that person  responded. Oh dear, not everybody buys into getting  ‘woked’.

Another dissenter commented   that  for many years  most major U.S. cities are run by black politicians …. “  My question:     do these  black politicians  care about the blacks voters  that  put them in office? Why have these black politicians produced so little helpful  to blacks?

My view:  Why blame the huge numbers of blacks killing and robbing   their  black neighbors  on  something called    ‘structural racism’ when it can just as easily be  described as    Democrat Party  politics as usual?  Why?  Remember, 2020  is an election year and the Democrats prime goal is to remove Trump from office.

Churches are a main civic organization.  So what has been the response of  churches to Black Lives Matters and ‘structural racism’?

The Episcopal Church has been in the news lately.   Remember the picture of Trump standing in front of the church across from the White House which had been torched the night before?  Trump had a bible – that picture.

Rev. Curry head of the episcopal church in Washington D.C.  says. “I really do believe that we’ve got to face the pain of our past and then work together to create new ways to create a new future.”. 

I’ve found no discussion by Rev. Curry or  other episcopal leaders  as to the role blacks  specifically play in the violence inflicted by blacks on their black neighbors. Nothing specific as to what blacks can and need to do. The episcopal stance appears to be ‘we stand against racism and structural racism…’   

So  what are some of the factors  why  black men commit  50% of all murders? 

Listen to voices who published Letters in  WSJ  June 13-14, 2020:   These letters cite Prof. Orlando Patterson’s essay “The Long Reach of Racism in the U.S.” (Review, June 6).  One voice names the failure of black office holders.  The number of black children born without a father in the home and  black reliance on government programs instead of finding meaningful work is listed as another factor by another voice.

My views:  It’s complicated and there’s many   factors why black men commit 50% of all U.S.  violent crimes.  Something not talked about is the role of feminism and easy access to abortions.     Feminism and ‘my body is my own to do as I please‘ comes to mind.    Due to  Planned Parenthood,  there’s  easy availability of abortion as a primary birth control method. In New York City  more black babies are aborted than born.   How do those young black almost-a-father and never-had-a-choice black men feel?  Ask them.

Black fathers don’t appear to matter.   What about self esteem issues  and attaching value for who you are.   Look at the Black Lives Matter website and you will find no role, no value, no interest in  black fathers, black sons or black families with a mother and father as a married entity. Marriage and family and the place of the black man as father are not valued   by  Black Lives Matters.  Take a look at their web site.

Self esteem comes from learning skills that are age grounded.    Riding a bike at 4. Learning to read and later learning how to reason and think logically by early teens. These contribute to the development of self esteem.  Learning a skill that can result in a wage is another  crucial  step for young  people.  The  union controlled  public schools produce poorly educated persons of all colors including young black men.

Effect of the unions.   In the 1930’s thousands of young blacks went north to get jobs. The blacks had carpentry and other skills and got jobs.   Then the Davis Bacon  Act was passed which requires that ‘prevailing wages’ be paid. The act was passed to limit blacks from getting jobs. Time to change the law?

Recent events:   Now we learn  that a bad, bad  white cop with 18 disciplinary actions killed a black man  he knew (they were bouncers together) while several other cops stood by and did nothing.  Those other cops were complicit and contributed to the death of that black.    For years, that bad cop was protected by the police unions.

Yes — it’s  time to rein in the power  police unions. And  time to rein in the  school unions that produce  poorly educated persons of all colors.

Unions for public employees.  That is a major culprit. The police unions protect the bad cops.  The school unions protect the bad teachers.  Together as a result we get poorly educated young persons of all colors.  And there are all sorts of factors why young black men take guns and kill  and rob other blacks.

There’s no real bartering when the police and school  unions sit down across the table from the  politicians — the Democrats — who they paid to put in office.  For example, t he SEIU  paid $60 million to put Obama in office in 2008.

We don’t need ‘structural racism’ to explain why black Democrat politicians   in large cities  do nothing about the power of police unions and the power exerted by school unions.

Why unions for public employees stay in power:   Old fashioned greed is a simple and better explanation why no change over the  years.    Both sides want more and both give to each other more  to get more.

This is why there should not be public employee unions.  There has to be an adversarial relationship when those representing the public purse sit down to discuss money with representatives of public schools and the police.

So what to do so young blacks stop killing and robbing other blacks? Become part of the solution.  How?

Unions:   Rein in and  get rid of the  corrupt power of unions in schools and the police.

Churches:  Are you a member of a church?  Get local churches to cooperate and work together.     Episcopals  with Catholics, Protestants    and others –  can  work collaboratively to support family values that weaken and reduce the power of  Hispanic and Black  gangs.   That’s a no brainer.  Encourage  young men to  marry  and staying married to the women with whom they have children.  That’s also a no brainer.   Intact families with a mother and father in the home create and raise children who go to college and get jobs.  How support families?    How and when? Do so  around Christmas which celebrates the birth of Jesus into a family with a father in the home.

The organization Black Lives Matters:   Call out Black Lives Matters for what it is –   a marxist organization which is anti- nuclear family and  puts forth  policies and  falsehoods   which  harm  blacks.  Look at their website carefully.  There is no message on the BLM  web site saying to black men to STOP killing other blacks.    There is no support  on the  BLM web site  for  black fathers to marry the mothers of their children.  There’s no discussion of the importance of male  relationships between fathers and sons. And, there is no  BLM message to young woman to ‘stop aborting black babies’ and re-think whether  a government check and transfer payments for the next 18 years is a good deal.

Schools:  Work to create more  charter schools  in your community and use of money that will  mean more accountability by public schools to produce better educated  (literate and meet specific standards  in math and reading) young people of all color.  Blacks don’t learn to read in CA schools.    Require schools to provide  classes that can assist all students in  getting jobs.  Require all students to learn at least one skill that could lead to a job.

Note:   This  post was  reviewed   7/1/20.  Some    changes made  to clarify the main points  and preserve the privacy of  persons who commented.

So what say you?  Become part of the conversation!  It is easy to comment.  Monterey Bay Forum is exactly that  — a forum for discussion of ideas.

This post was written by  Cameron Jackson,   licensed CA  psychologist PSY14762          127 Jewell Street, Santa Cruz, CA   95060 

Wonder what the young black woman, Candice Owens,  has to say?   This is from You Tube and she has a mouthful to say about why blacks kill blacks.

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