Let’s help create Marx’s ‘classless society’ in San Francisco by favoring Blacks?  Government has gotta get rid of income gaps between Blacks and others?
   London Breed, the Mayor of San Francisco, recently announced an innovative new program designed to provide financial support for women expecting a child both during the pregnancy and for six months after the baby is born.
 Breed said in a statement. “The Abundant Birth Project is rooted in racial justice and recognizes that Black and Pacific Islander mothers suffer disparate health impacts, in part because of the persistent wealth and income gap.â€
Given the costs associated with prenatal care, medical expenses and the costs associated with raising an infant, that’s a nice idea, isn’t it?
I’m sure plenty of mothers-to-be could use that sort of help. But as with so many things in this world, there’s a catch.
Or a couple of catches, actually. First of all, it won’t be available to everyone. You have to be selected by the people in charge of the project.
Oh, and don’t bother applying if you happen to be a Native American, Latina, or White woman expecting a child. The offer only applies if you are either Black or of Pacific-Islander background. (Yahoo News)