The Biden government has done NOTHING to support first amendment free speech for either  President Trump (permanent suspension of Trump’s Twitter account) or his 74 million voters (ELECTION FRAUD supposedly did not happen says Big Tech which repeatedly enforces censorship of viewpoints by suspension of accounts and removal of posts).
BIDEN — who uses an Executive Order to oppose private prisons — supports Twitter, Facebook and Google’s privatized censorship via Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. These companies use Section 230 to crack down on conservative viewpoints. Standing behind these companies, the GOVERNMENT sets the censorship agenda opposing  anything that Trump or his supporters did.
Information YOU need to know:  The f US Constitution prohibits the federal government from “viewpoint discrimination” — which is precisely what the BIDEN government is engaged in by using Twitter and Facebook to censor free speech.
The Wall Street Journal says:Â “Facebook, Twitter and Google censorship muzzles the electronic public square, distorts political and cultural conversation and limit’s our freedom to sort out the truth for ourselves.”
So what can the ‘little guy and gal’ do about it? Read another WSJ article The Man Who Drove Game Stop Mania.
What to do?  Akin to those retail investors shaking up the investment world, those 74 million voters for Trump can and must continue to  shake up politics as usual in Washington D.C.
Diversify.  Get new accounts other than Twitter and Facebook. Parler supposedly will come back. There’s MeWe and GAB. Take a look at Rumble for videos.
Try The EPOCH TIMES for a balanced source of news.
Ann Corcoran — says she is dropping Google and no more G-mail account — re-posted what a man who attended the Jan 6 rally has to say. The man was brought in for questioning due to facial recognition that he attended the rally. See Ann’s posts on her blog Frauds, Crooks and Criminals.
Trump DID pull back the curtain and reveal lots of BAD actors.  Don’t forget it.
It’s time for ‘the little guys and gals’ to fight viewpoint discrimination (forbidden by the USA Constitution) done by Biden’s use of Section 230 to curtail your free speech.
Massive 2020 ELECTION FRAUD by Biden & Democrats and the need for ELECTION INTEGRITY going forward are the issues Biden ignores.
What are your thoughts?
written by DrCameronJackson 1/30/2021