Examination of Georgia ballots happening soon. Plan how to examine thousands of mail-in Fulton county GA ballots — without touching them — has to be agreed to by GA judge before the latest forensic examination takes place.
Press Release Contact: Garland Favorito
May 24, 2021 garlandf@VoterGA.net
www.VoterGA.org (404) 664-4044
Court Rules to Unseal Fulton Co. Mail-in Ballots
3rd Victory for VoterGA in Ballot Inspection Case
MCDONOUGH GA – On Friday, a Henry County Superior Court granted
VoterGA petitioners the right to inspect Fulton County mail-in ballots that have been in question since the November 3rd 2020 election. That includes a highresolution 600 D.P.I greyscale needed to conduct a full forensic inspection.
The court upheld Petitionersâ€