Take hydroxychloroquine, zinc & an anti-biotic IF you experience CCP Virus symptoms & test positive?

Got COVID?   Why not, with medical OK,  immediately take hydroxychloroquine, zinc & antibiotic for a  week IF you experience CCP virus symptoms and test positive?  You got to take charge of your health decisions and do so using rational thought.  Don’t trust the “medical experts” like Dr. Fauchi and local health officers.

Why wait until you are so sick that you then  seek hospital aid? Current reports about what to do shed little light on what you can do which won’t hurt you.

For example —

Let’s  hypothesize that you call your MD  and say that  your symptoms are chills,  a cough, severe body aches and a horrible   headache.  Your MD  tells you to s take 2 Bufferin every 4-6 hours, drink lots of water  and call  him back in  the morning.  That’s a standard medical treatment  protocol  for possible symptoms of flu.

That  MD would not   also inquire  who were all your Contacts this past week and have those Contacts  also take the same medical regime  of  2 Buffern  every 4-6 hours  in order to prevent them from experiencing the  flu like symptoms  (chills, body aches, cough) which   you are experiencing.

Yet  that’s exactly  what some European  researchers did when inquiring into the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine.   Persons who said they had symptoms of COVID  provided Contacts and a thousand Contacts got a medical regime compared to a thousand who got  a “fake” regime.   And guess what  — there was no statistically significant difference.   So the researchers conclude that use of hydroeychloroqine  is not effective.

Check it out for yourself.

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