What you can do NOW for COVID virus protection?  Get prepared now. Â
Whether you are in total lock down as in Sydney, Australia or confused by the most recent flip flopping by Washington D.C. politicians such as Dr. Fauci  whether to wear a mask indoors or outdoors – do what you can to be prepared.
Now is the time to keep other drugs in your medicine cabinet should you or family members develop symptoms of the CCP virus aka COVID-19 or some variant.  Be sure to have Zinc, vitamin C (1,000 mg tablets), one of the ionophores that open the door so that the zinc can do its work, and appropriate antibiotics.
Ionophores — they are necessary to transport the zinc into the cells – they include Ivermectin, Quercetin and Hydroxychoroquine (HCL).  You need ONE of the ionophores.  HCL is treatment of choice for people over age 45.
Whether you are fully vaccinated or not — get prepared.
Start Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s protocol ( if possible) within 5 days of symptoms. Yes — get a PCR test but don’t wait for results to start treatment.
Click the link below detailing what medicines, how long to take and in what strength to utilize per Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol.