Talk first before file complaint? So says Councilman Glover

So the other party did not come to Santa Cruz Councilman  Glover to discuss the  issue before filing a complaint?

Does this pass the sniff test?

From the Sentinel:

“For Glover, the substantiated complaint, as described by hired consultant Joe Rose, was that Glover violated the city’s Respectful Workplace Conduct Policy when addressing Meyers Feb. 1 about shared conference room scheduling. According to Rose’s report, the timing of Glover’s “needlessly and unjustifiably antagonistic” response to Meyers’ overstaying her allotted time in a city conference room was “humiliating and embarrassing” to Meyers because it occurred in the presence of “important community partners.”

Glover responded in his Facebook post to the public group SCCCP – Santa Cruz and Central Coast Politics, saying, “the substantiated complaint was “due to a communication issue combined with the mishandling of the conflict by the other party involved as they did not come to speak to me first before filing a complaint.”

To be fair, let’s look at the report filed by consultant Joe Rose.  Let the public read the report for themselves.

So who’s who in the Santa Cruz Sentinel article?    The paper wrongly printed  Santa Cruz Councilman Glover with Krohn’s face and  Councilman Krohn with Glover’s face.

Glover is Afro-American, not Caucasian  as portrayed in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. .  Opps!   Pictures are worth a thousand words.

So here’s an example of “wrong news” by our local paper.

written by Cameron  Jackson


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