Public Safety better or worse 2019 in Santa Cruz & Watsonville CA ?

Is public safety better or worse in Santa Cruz County in 2019?  The Democrats control awnings and signs  — but what about violent crime, needles and other health issues?

Is public safety better or worse  2019  in Santa Cruz County?

What’s the fall out from years and years of  Democrat Party policies on  Santa Cruz and Watsonville, CA?

Some current 2019  impressions:

  • Kids kill  other  kids in Watsonville, CA.   Take a look at crime statistics.   Because Watsonville gang members routinely  target younger  kids,  parents keep children  inside their homes. Kids are not allowed to ‘hang  out’ in  their front yards in Watsonville, CA. So parents tell me.
  • North County Santa Cruz CA  frequently  ignores South County Watsonville CA   issues.  Watsonville and Santa Cruz  are two  different worlds   joined by Highway 1.
  • Over 600 kids require  sheltering  on any given day  throughout Santa Cruz County. So says an employee of the Salvation Army shelter in Watsonville.
  • Psychotic adults hang  out  and talk in loud voices to themselves   at the  McDonalds Restaurant    on  Ocean  Street in Santa Cruz.  The Watsonvile McDonalds are much more family centered and much cleaner.
  • Two ‘more than typical’ Progressives city officials  face probable  recall by  8000+ Santa Cruz City voters.  The recall effort states that these two public officials  ignored  numerous   public safety issues  (needles,  human feces and violence) posed by the Ross St encampment.  And other issues.  Click the recall effort link for more information.
  • Mothers & the general  public  routinely watch   for needles and drug related debris  on  l Santa Cruz County  beaches.
  • ‘Free’  Santa Cruz beaches are  far dirtier than the CA County managed beaches which  you pay to enter.
  • Idle adults hang out in droves   near  the Santa Cruz  COSCO, close to the Ribele Family Shelter Building located  at Highway 1 and River St.  It does not ‘feel safe’ to drive near by.
  • Oh, my …… Oh my ….
  • There’s more control by city  government   of  ‘the little things’ — such as can a business have a sign  or an awning?  — than the ‘big picture’ i.e,  how can we work with the community to   reduce    violent crime and improve public safety?  
  • Opps!!!     Perhaps it’s time for a change from the Democrats and their   policies?

write to  Cameron Jackson

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