Obama state-run Govt GM cars coming soon! Get on board! www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

Smile...and be courteous...
Smile...and be courteous...

Obama state-run Govt GM cars?

Based on facts from GM’s Tax Shelter story in the Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2009, A16 and comments from a recent Rush Limbaugh show. Written by Cameron Jackson cameronjacks@gmail.com

Obama has the state-run press in his hip pocket. And now he has a state-owned car company to run. General Motors should be called state-run Govt GM. What’s a President to do once he has a state-run car company to manage?

As a result of the car bailout, the Obama government owns General Motors 61% and the other 39% is owned by United Auto Workers retirement health care trust. Obama and his car czar gave Govt. GM a sweet deal — the company can claim a tax benefit from some $16 billion of net operating losses. This will allow Obama’s Govt. GM to not pay taxes for years to come. Wow. No taxes for Obama’s state-run car company!

Obama state -run Govt. GM has a huge tax break that no other company has. Obama’s car company is not operating on a level playing field with other car companies. The field is tilted to benefit Govt GM. For years to come, the state-run Govt GM will be able to sell cars and make a profit because of lower overhead.

Now that Obama has a car business what’s he going to do with it? Per Rush Limbaugh, Obama’s overall strategy is clear — weaken the private sector and grow the public sector. Obama’s strategy is to return the country to its rightful owners — the oppressed masses that have been exploited all these years.

What will the state-run Obama Govt. GM cars look like? They will be white because white cars stay much cooler. Also, white is not a threatening color as the color black can be. So no black Obama Govt GM cars. Some shades off white will be ok as well. If Obama Govt GM offers another color it will be substantially higher in price so that the customer pays for their “carbon footprint” at the time of purchase.

And the Obama Govt GM cars will be quite small. And streamlined so as to maximize fuel efficiency. Probably on the order of half the size of a VW beetle. Probably shaped like a beetle too — as that was aerodynamic for its time. On the other hand, there are all sorts of “smart” shapes out there for Obama to choose.

And who will buy the state-run Govt GM cars? When the price of gas goes above $5+ a gallon and Obama expands its Swap Your Clunker for a New Car program — that’s when lots of Americans will buy state-run OBama Govt GM cars. At least, so Obama dreams.

Remember all those those people who bought huge SUVs with no payment down and years to pay? That was back when gas was cheap. Now those people cannot afford those SUVs. And, especially for those who have lost their jobs or only work part-time, it really hurts their pocket book to drive vehicles that get 12 gal. to the mile.

This is why it is important news discussed by Rush Limbaugh today that Obama seeks bipartisan support for the Turn in Your Clunker Plan. Obama has big plans for how to run the country. And how to get Americans to drive a certain kind of car. Coming soon! Watch for them! Thousands of small, white beetles with head and tail lights shaped in an Obama Smile.

In his book, Dreams of My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, Obama discusses a tactic that he used dealing with white people: Just smile, be courteous and be very well mannered. Likewise, the Obama state-run Govt GM cars will be white, smile with their chrome headlights, and they will be courteous and well mannered (as they cannot accelerate fast). Dream on Obama! Dream on.


Reasons why a CA psychologist opposes Obama’s health care “reform” plan: One Party control and …www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

Obama Health Plan "Reform"?

To: Congressman Sam Farr (for Monterey and Santa Cruz County, CA)
From: Dr. Cameron Jackson, licensed psychologist

I am opposed to the current the Health Care Reform bill which Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership offer Americans. I am worried and concerned how you, Mr. Farr, may vote because per your web site statistics you vote the Democratic Party line 98% of the time.

Now is the time that you, Mr. Farr, need to show independence from the Democratic Party line. Right now America is under one party rule by the Democratic Party. That is not healthy. The basic Robert’s Rules of Order that protect the minority Republican and Independent positions are not respected by Congress. Nancy Pelosi, the Rules Committee and members of Congress need to read or re-read Democracy in America by DeTocqueville. Protect the rights of the minority to speak! Have real debate! And please Mr. Farr don’t push bills down the throats of Americans just because of One Party Rule.

One question every American should pose and which I ask you: do you plan to give up your private health care coverage which all members of Congress get and use the same health care plan that the Democrats offer? If your answer Mr. Farr is No, that you plan to keep your private insurance plan — then the health care plan proposed by Obama and the Democrats is not good enough for We the People whom you represent.

I strongly oppose governmental interference in the health care decisions that people now make with their doctors. Of note in the current bill: The bill requires that medical doctors must have end of life and end of care discussions every 5 years.

I strongly oppose the government – at one swoop — taking over a fifth of the economy. The health care sector amounts to about 20 percent of the economy. The government does not have a good record for keeping down costs nor running anything efficiently.

New business need to grow on shoe-string budgets. This plan will drive small business out of business and prevent new ones from starting. With all the unemployed who have enormous talents and capabilities we need to do everything we can to encourage new business. Saddling on small businesses required costs for medical care is simply dumb.

Each person is a unique person with a unique medical history. Deciding whether to have surgery or not – whether to have chemo or not — is best done without government interference. Do we want the “compassion” of the IRS and the Department of Motor Vehicles affecting important medical decisions? No, we want the compassion and clinical judgment of our doctors without government interference.

written by Dr. Cameron Jackson, licensed psychologist


Obama calls police “stupid” to arrest black prof. www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

Prof Gates plays race card
Prof Gates plays race card
I hope that Professor Gates Black Studies classes are not required black political indoctrination at Harvard. From sad experience I know about the University of California “think a certain way” courses concerning sexuality and other issues. You have to take some courses to get that diploma.

At least when parents choose to mortgage their house in order to send their child to Harvard, they can tell their darling child, “I am not paying good money for you to take Black Studies courses by Gates. He is too full of himself — so pick another class.” And, per Mark Seyn’s article, which follows, Gates’ may have a Ph.D. in English and teach English at Harvard — and testify in court cases — but he does not know Robbie t Burns’ poetry from that of Shakespeare. But then again, who WAS Shakespeare? I dunno.

The article below is a hilarious comment on American society. In brief, how long will the racial card be used? Does the racial abyss have to go on forever? Answer: As long as there are people like Professor Gates around, puffing and puffing. And as long as there are Obama type people with knee jerk reactions.

Read and enjoy Mark Steyrn:

He Said/V.I.P. Said
A Prejudometer cranked up to eleven.
from National Review web site

By Mark Steyn
“By common consent, the most memorable moment of Barack Obama’s otherwise listless press conference on “health care” were his robust remarks on the “racist” incident involving Prof. Henry Louis Gates and the Cambridge police. The latter “acted stupidly,” pronounced the chief of state. The president of the United States may be reluctant to condemn Ayatollah Khamenei or Hugo Chávez or that guy in Honduras without examining all the nuances and footnotes, but sometimes there are outrages so heinous that even the famously nuanced must step up to the plate and speak truth to power. And thank God the leader of the free world had the guts to stand up and speak truth to municipal police sergeant James Crowley.

“For everyone other than the president, what happened at Professor Gates’s house is not entirely clear. The Harvard prof returned home without his keys and, as Obama put it, “jimmied his way into the house.” Someone witnessing the “break-in” called the cops, and things, ah, escalated from there. Professor Gates is now saying that, if Sergeant Crowley publicly apologizes for his racism, the prof will graciously agree to “educate him about the history of racism in America.” Which is a helluva deal. I mean, Ivy League parents re-mortgage their homes to pay Gates for the privilege of lecturing their kids, and here he is offering to hector it away to some no-name lunkhead for free.

“As to the differences between the professor’s and the cops’ version of events, I confess I’ve been wary of taking Henry Louis Gates at his word ever since, almost two decades back, the literary scholar compared the lyrics of the rap group 2 Live Crew to those of the Bard of Avon. “It’s like Shakespeare’s ‘My love is like a red, red rose,’ ” he declared, authoritatively, to a court in Fort Lauderdale.

As it happens, “My luv’s like a red, red rose” was written by Robbie Burns, a couple of centuries after Shakespeare. Oh, well. Sixteenth-century English playwright, 18th-century Scottish poet: What’s the diff? Evidently being within the same quarter-millennium and right general patch of the North-East Atlantic is close enough for a professor of English and Afro-American Studies appearing as an expert witness in a court case. Certainly no journalist reporting Gates’s testimony was boorish enough to point out the misattribution.

I hasten to add I have nothing against the great man. He’s always struck me as one of those faintly absurd figures in which the American academy appears to specialize, but relatively harmless by overall standards. And I certainly sympathize with the general proposition that not all encounters with the constabulary go as agreeably as one might wish. Last year I had a minor interaction with a Vermont state trooper and, 60 seconds into the conversation, he called me a “liar.” I considered my options:

Option a): I could get hot under the collar, yell at him, get tasered into submission, and possibly shot while “resisting arrest”;

Option b): I could politely tell the trooper I object to his characterization, and then write a letter to the commander of his barracks the following morning suggesting that such language is not appropriate to routine encounters with members of the public and betrays a profoundly defective understanding of the relationship between law-enforcement officials and the citizenry in civilized societies.

I chose the latter course, and received a letter back offering partial satisfaction and explaining that the trooper would be receiving “supervisory performance-related issue-counseling,” which, with any luck, is even more ghastly than it sounds and hopefully is still ongoing.

Professor Gates chose option a), which is just plain stupid. For one thing, these days they have dash-cams and two-way radios and a GPS gizmo in the sharp end of the billy club, so an awful lot of this stuff winds up being preserved on tape, and, if you’re the one a-hootin’ an’ a-hollerin’, it’s not going to help. In the Sixties, the great English satirist Peter Simple invented the Prejudometer, which simply by being pointed at any individual could calculate degrees of racism to the nearest prejudon, “the internationally recognized scientific unit of racial prejudice.” Professor Gates seems to go around with his Prejudometer permanently cranked up to eleven: When Sergeant Crowley announced through the glass-paneled front door that he was here to investigate a break-in, Gates opened it up and roared back: “Why? Because I’m a black man in America?”

He then told him, “I’ll speak with your mama outside.” Outside, Sergeant Crowley’s mama failed to show. But among his colleagues were a black officer and a Hispanic officer. Which is an odd kind of posse for what the Rev. Al Sharpton calls, inevitably, “the highest example of racial profiling I have seen.” But what of our post-racial president? After noting that “‘Skip’ Gates is a friend” of his, President Obama said that “there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.” But, if they’re being “disproportionately” stopped by African-American and Latino cops, does that really fall under the category of systemic racism? Short of dispatching one of those Uighur Muslims from China recently liberated from Gitmo by Obama to frolic and gambol on the beaches of Bermuda, the assembled officers were a veritable rainbow coalition. The photograph of the arrest shows a bullet-headed black cop — Sgt. Leon Lashley, I believe — standing in front of the porch while behind him a handcuffed Gates yells accusations of racism. This is the pitiful state the Bull Connors of the 21st century are reduced to, forced to take along a squad recruited from the nearest Benetton ad when they go out to whup some uppity Negro boy.
As Professor Gates jeered at the officers, “You don’t know who you’re messin’ with.” Did Sergeant Crowley have to arrest him? Probably not. Did he allow himself to be provoked by an obnoxious buffoon? Maybe. I dunno. I wasn’t there. Neither was the president of the United States, or the governor of Massachusetts, or the mayor of Cambridge. All of whom have declared themselves firmly on the side of the Ivy League bigshot. And all of whom, as it happens, are African-American. A black president, a black governor, and a black mayor all agree with a black Harvard professor that he was racially profiled by a white-Latino-black police team, headed by a cop who teaches courses in how to avoid racial profiling. The boundless elasticity of such endemic racism suggests that the “post-racial America” will be living with blowhard grievance-mongers like Professor Gates unto the end of time.

In a fairly typical “he said/V.I.P. said” incident, the V.I.P. was the author of his own misfortune but, with characteristic arrogance, chose to ascribe it to systemic racism, Jim Crow, lynchings, the Klan, slavery, Jefferson impregnating Sally Hemmings, etc. And so it goes, now and forever. My advice to Professor Gates for future incidents would be to establish his authority early. Quote Shakespeare, from his early days with Hallmark:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Victims are black
Like 2 Live Crew.


Chronic pain? Learn Electro-Therapeutic Point Stimulation using a ETPS 1000 by Acumed.

ETPS 1000 by Acumed for electro-point stimulation
ETPS 1000 by Acumed for electro-point stimulation

This tool was demonstrated at a Integrative Pain Management class in San Francisco 7-21-09 put on by UC Davis Health System. This is a tool that patients can use on themselves to treat chronic pain conditions. I plan to buy one of these tools and try it out myself. Any time you can fix the bike (mind/body system) while riding it at the same time — that is progress. Like when people could print books and read them for themselves – that was a big step forward. Why have arcane practitioners doing therapy if people can do it for themselves? The telephone number for the instrument is 1 800 567-7246.

Pain causes a disruption in the electrical system of the body which leads to further disruption in other systems, e.g., chemical, mechanical. Bio-stimulation in various forms can provide a restorative signal to the body which can improve body functioning and reduce pain.

Acupuncture points are simply lower resistance points in the body. Think of the ear as an external manifestation of the brain. On the ear are tiny resistance points for all the organs of the body. For example, the points that are sensitive to pain in the dental area of the mouth are located on the lower part of the ear.

To find out where all these lower resistance points are, you can get acupressure charts on line for free.

There is a tool on the market that can both identify areas of sensitivity and treat the area (without needles) at the same time.

It is a new tool that can be used by patients who want to treat themselves. Think of common chronic pain conditions, i.e., arthritis in the knee, a sore shoulder. Why not be able to treat yourself at home using state-of-the -art technology based on acupuncture. To find out more, Google ETBS 1000 by Acumed.

The therapy is called Electro-Therapeutic Point Stimulation The tool is ETBS 1000. This is from their site:

” How does ETPS Work on Pain?

” The ETPS electrically locates and stimulates a specific series of treatment points (acupuncture, trigger and motor) which, historically, have been proven (read some of our testimonials) to help relieve chronic pain syndromes. After the ETPS unit has located each treatment point and you push the treatment button, what exactly does the unit do to your body to relieve pain? The following explanation should help to answer that question.(Also take a look at our FAQ’s)

“First, in acupuncture and trigger point therapy, the insertion of needles has been scientifically proven to stimulate the release of powerful internal opiates called endorphins. These natural pain relievers are secreted from the pituitary and are circulated throughout your body via your blood stream. Not only are endorphins the most powerful pain relievers known to mankind, they enhance the immune system, reduce stress and produce a feeling of euphoria (endorphins are your feel-good hormones).

Science has long known that a special form of low frequency DC electricalstimulation applied to these same points can reproduce the endorphin response just as in traditional needling.
>The ETPS is the ONLY hand held device on the market that duplicates these parameters. So the first reason why ETPS works so well for pain relief is that it taps into our body’s own internal pain relieving system, the endorphin response.

‘Secondly, the ETPS releases or relaxes contracted and spastic muscles. One approach to pain management, called the neuropathic pain model, suggests that tightened/contracted muscles cause mechanical/structural asymmetry and nerve entrapments throughout the body. This asymmetry not only strains the body’s movement and mechanics, but the resulting nerve entrapments place the pathways in a hypersensitive state, causing an amplification of pain response for the suffering person. The theory suggests this amplification of neural sensation, called “dennervation supersensitivity” accompanied with the subsequent muscle contraction(s), may now be the primary physiological basis of many chronic pain syndromes.

“Applying the ETPS to tightened and contracted muscles, or to treatment points which relate to them, “releases” the muscles and permits increased reinnervation of their neural pathways. This process allows the suffering person’s pain levels to be substantially decreased.

” In other words, by relaxing the muscles there is less pressure on the nerves which calms the nerve pathways, permitting greater range of motion and increased functionality. Also, by keeping the muscles soft and supple you guard yourself against further injury while at the same time maintaining optimal health of muscle tissue.

“Finally, the ETPS unit itself has the ability to either increase or decrease the amount of circulation in the area of injury. To decrease the circulation would be similar to ice therapy and is most beneficial for pain control and reduction of swelling. To increase would be similar to heat therapy and is most beneficial for immune enhancement and neural regeneration. Helping to decrease or increase the blood flow to the area greatly contributes to the natural healing process.

“Chronic back pain conditions, RSI’s, tension or migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and many other painful conditions respond wonderfully with this approach to pain management. These three therapeutic responses offered by the ETPS, together with the easy to follow instruction manual “Natural Health” will continue to provide pain free days to thousands of chronic pain sufferers.

The tool comes with a book written in simple language:

“Natural Health I was written with the beginner in mind. Our concise, easy-to-follow format allows the patient, family member or friend to apply ETPS/1000 treatments as quickly and skillfully as a trained practitioner. Natural Health I provides all of the acupuncture and tender points required to treat over 100 of the most common pain disorders such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is included with every purchase of an ETPS/1000 unit, or can be ordered separately by contacting us..

Table of Contents:
# ETPSSM Therapy Introduction
# Acupuncture introduction
# ETPSSM pain therapy
# Ear chart
# Finger measurements
# General Pain Disorders
# Specific Pain Problems
# Index

Ships with the ETPS unit
ISBN 0-9681714-0-0

ETPS 1000 by Acumed for electro-point stimulation
ETPS 1000 by Acumed for electro-point stimulation

I plan to purchase one and try it out.
How fast will there be other similar tools put out by other companies?


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-19

  • Autism is the #1 developmental disability in California. In the water? Techies marry techies? Contaminant s? http://www.freedomOK.net/wordpress #
  • Young New Yorkers making $80 K under Obama health plan will pay 36% taxes not counting carbon footprint tax. WOW!! .freedomOK.net/wordpress #
  • Sotomayor is Obama's Hope & Change Plan.. She goes on Court because she is Affirmative Action & weak English?. http://www.freedomOK.net/wordpress #
  • What is justice? Obama thanks it is equality. I think justice is appropriate treatment, making distinctions between people and situations. #
  • A single New Yorker making $80 K will pay $28,391 in taxes (35.5%) under Obama health care plan. http://www.freedomOK.net/wordpress #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-07-18

  • Autism is the #1 developmental disability in California. In the water? Techies marry techies? Contaminant s? http://www.freedomOK.net/wordpress #
  • Young New Yorkers making $80 K under Obama health plan will pay 36% taxes not counting carbon footprint tax. WOW!! .freedomOK.net/wordpress #
  • Sotomayor is Obama's Hope & Change Plan.. She goes on Court because she is Affirmative Action & weak English?. http://www.freedomOK.net/wordpress #

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