Aptos psychologist: how to teach a child with autism the link between behavior and consequences. This works seems to me.

“It can take a great deal of time before an autistic child recognizes a link between behavior and consequences.

The child with autism can be just as precocious and just as adventurous as the typically developing child. Sitting still or paying attention at school is not always the highest priority. What makes the guidance of behavior so difficult when it comes to autism is the challenge of comprehension and explaining to them that certain behaviors are not acceptable.

This is the year we became successful with our son discovering that misbehavior at school will cause him to lose privileges when he gets home. At first we weren’t sure if it was an issue of memory or an issue of comprehension. It turned out to be neither. It was the link between the two concepts that had been elusive to him.

Behaviors to be discouraged vary and most require further explanation. “Kicking” is one behavior he had previously engaged in. This is a misleading term since the behavior was actually his desire to place his shoe on a peer or staff member. His intention was not to do harm, but to seek attention or a reaction of some sort. “Inappropriate touching” is a behavior that must be addressed for obvious reasons in a classroom setting. This can happen when an autistic child is discovering certain sensations. Explaining why the behavior is inappropriate is often not effective. “Destruction of property” in our case meant that our son feels the need to close any open laptop he encounters. He often does this with a great amount of force. We certainly do not want to pay for any broken laptops.

The school my son attends turned out to be helpful in implementing a system for providing awareness to his behavior. This system is the simple use of three different colored stickers that go on his shirt at the end of the day. A green sticker indicates that he had a good day. Red is bad, and yellow means there were some issues (also bad). Yellow days and red days would result in a loss of access to his favorite things at home. This meant no computer, no television and no Xbox. When he made requests for these items we would respond with “No Xbox, you had a red day!”

It was a matter of two to three red or yellow days before the connection was made. It was a noticeable moment of awareness both for us parents and his aid at school. The aid capitalized on this development by giving warnings when behaviors were beginning. “Don’t have a red day or no computer at home” helped to guide behavior. We were more than happy to comply with any consequences at home to maintain the continuity of the method. Everyone makes it known how well he’s done on the completion of a “green” day, even if lately this has been every day.

For an eight-year-old boy there are always challenges with behavior issues at school. In the case of an autistic child, improving misbehavior can seem like a daunting task. There will be more incidents in the future, but having a proven method of responding to these incidents brings confidence that they will be fewer and further between. As in many cases, establishing routines with consistency helps to show the autistic child the way.

For more info: Classroom discipline for autistic students


Obama spends $18 million to redesign websight showing where recovery money goes. Make sense? Obama sense, yes!

Obama a Puzzle?
Obama a Puzzle?

Spend 18 million to redesign the Recovery.gov website? That is what Obama will spend.

And it DOES make sense from Obama’s point of view. Obama wants to weaken the private sector and strengthen the public sector. The $18 million will create more government jobs. And the private sector is weakened because they have to pay for the re-design of this ONE website. It is all about power — shifting power from the private sector to Obama’s control.

See the following article posted also on Something To Say Today.

18M Being Spent to Redesign Recovery.gov Web Site
July 08, 2009

“For those concerned about stimulus spending, the General Services Administration sends word tonight that $18 million in additional funds are being spent to redesign the Recovery.gov Web site.

The new Web site promises to give taxpayers more information about where their money is going than the current version of the site.

“Recovery.gov 2.0 will use innovative and interactive technologies to help taxpayers see where their dollars are being spent,” James A. Williams, commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, says in a press release announcing the contract awarded to Maryland-based Smartronix Inc. “Armed with easy access to this information, taxpayers can make government more accountable for its decisions.”

The contract calls for spending $9.5 million through January, and as much as $18 million through 2014, according to the GSA press release.

“We are pleased that another major milestone has been achieved,” Earl E. Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, says in the press release. “We thank the GSA for its assistance and look forward to working with Smartronix.”

UPDATE: The RNC has released a new web ad mocking the Obama administration’s decision to allocate additional funds to the redesign of the Recovery.gov Web site.

July 8, 2009 | Permalink | Share | User Comments (115)

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Just hearing the word “transparency” ( as mentioned
by Earl E. Devaney, chairman of Recovery Accountability and Transparency) makes me feel ill.

How did we ever live without the “t” word for all
these years…. Did you have to look up the meaning of the word, since nobody is living by it since the

Posted by: 2smart4u | Jul 8, 2009 10:30:26 PM

This is just a smokescreen so we dont realize he wants to veto the intelligence bill that would force Obama’s legislation and the government to actually be transparent and have to answer for what they have done.

Posted by: guesswhaturwrong | Jul 8, 2009 10:48:16 PM

I could redesign a whole lotta “innovative and interactive” websites for $18 million.

If they were talking about how much the band-width cost to keep the site up and running, I MIGHT be able to see it. But just a redesign???

I think maybe the government is already “accountable” for this bone-headed idea.

Posted by: Jaylah | Jul 8, 2009 10:48:31 PM

Who ever heard of spending $18 million dollars on a website? Who is getting the money???

Posted by: guesswhaturwrong | Jul 8, 2009 10:49:20 PM

Once the numbers are posted what are we going to be able to do about it really anyway?

Posted by: guesswhaturwrong | Jul 8, 2009 10:50:27 PM

guesswhaturwrong, that intelligence bill dates back to 1947. If you’re going to whine about it, whine at Harry S Truman and every president since then. Not Obama.

Posted by: Jaylah | Jul 8, 2009 10:50:38 PM

Hmmm… 18 Million bucks to redesign a government website….riggghhht! That’s enough money for 18 responsible 40 somethings to live the rest of their lives in relative comfort. It’s far less money than was spent so our Socialist leader and his black-hearted wife to have “date night” in New York on our dime.

Posted by: Taxpaying victim | Jul 8, 2009 10:54:17 PM

Classic government…. Doesn’t know what anything costs, and spends 20 times what anyone else would (18 million for a web site is crazy!).

Posted by: Jen | Jul 8, 2009 10:59:09 PM

So it’s supposed to tell us what’s happening to our hard earned money? Unless the home page says “Here. Here is where your money is going,” then this is the most ridiculous thing ever ON TOP of being a waste of money in the first place.

Posted by: Pete | Jul 8, 2009 11:00:04 PM

Oxymoron of the day: Responsible Government Spending.
It ranks right up there with “Vacation bible school”.

Posted by: Taxpaying victim | Jul 8, 2009 11:04:18 PM

“Oxymoron of the day: Responsible Government Spending.
It ranks right up there with “Vacation bible school”

LOL Well said!

Posted by: Jaylah | Jul 8, 2009 11:12:21 PM

At this point even this foolishness does not surprise me. I have lost all faith in our government.

Posted by: CWG | Jul 8, 2009 11:15:21 PM

All the good intentions and idealism of Obama is being squandered by those who were entrusted with executing and enforcing his plan viz. his cabinet and his staff. The stimulus will be judged not by the 18 million dollar web site but by the reversal of the job loss trend, by the economic growth and by the recovery of 401k plans. That the stimulus monies were intercepted and swindled by the usual suspects is no surprise. A second stimulus would be a disaster of epic proportions when the first one was so grossly mismanaged that the states used it for pie in the sky projects even though the states are in dire straits. It would have been preferable to let the states pay the funds towards their deficit reduction instead of unwanted porky projects. Businesses small and large are cutting costs and reducing the payroll to try and balance their books. Why can the government not do the same instead of getting bloated and mounting the deficits, sky high. All the talk of the windmills and green energy was just blowing hot air during the campaign.

Posted by: gjkotw01 | Jul 8, 2009 11:16:01 PM

Is this administration completely nuts, or are the contracts for this redesign going the way of pork? Personally, I’d like to know the name and URL of the company that has been contracted. The dollar figure is patently absurd.

I repeat……Is this administration absolutely NUTS!?

Posted by: John Vacek | Jul 8, 2009 11:24:10 PM

OK kids..those that think 1.6 million a year to develop, staff and maintain a web site with a national presence, purpose and verifiable data set is a lot, please sit down. You obviously don’t know anything. That’s a site staffed and maintained by AT MOST eight FTEs. (full time employees) If you could do it for less, I suggest you bid the gig.

Posted by: vidtweeker | Jul 8, 2009 11:29:10 PM

You mean to tell me the government spent 18 million dollars to keep informed and answer the question of over 300 million people. Talking about your glass house! Finally a government that reports to the people!! I suppose next your going to tell me people actually have jobs to do this. Wow! straight forward and easy to understand! No economics of dung!! Go Obama Go!

Posted by: rightbehind | Jul 8, 2009 11:33:37 PM

18 million? I could have done it for 9 million!

Posted by: SamTyler1973 | Jul 8, 2009 11:37:41 PM

For God’s sake… a web design job pays only about 20k a year these days at best.

I run a multi section/topic political site and do it in my spare time and do all the graphics and imbed live feeds chat and statistics for nothing.

Maybe I should get out of the health care business and stop saving lives for a living and work for the government.

For more go to: Something To Say Today

I knew Obama was going to be true his word and cut the pork. I am guessing He meant instead of “fat” products (pork) he meant something more “Herbal”. You know, the kind one can smoke and lots of it. Because obviously someone in Washington is smoking something that kills brain cells.

Posted by: David Baron | Jul 8, 2009 11:43:14 PM


Aptos Psychologist: Has the On Faith blog gone bonkers requiring Sarah Palin resign in a certain way? Palin has “peculiar” family values? My, My! www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

Checking the On Faith blog a few minutes ago I saw it has “disappeared” from the blog. Somebody wake up and see that the woman writing it may have gone off the deep end? Judge for yourself the sanity of the woman writing the article:

Below is the article from On Faith, blog for the Washington Post:

Palin’s Peculiar Family Values

“I did not understand one word of what Sarah Palin said in her 18-minute resignation speech the other day. I really tried. What I got out of it is that she wants to spend more time on the issues she cares about, energy independence and national security. It wasn’t until the end of her incoherent explanation that she mentioned that her children were all in favor of her stepping down. One of the reasons, she said, was because they were upset that their 14-month-old brother Trig, who has Down Syndrome, was “mocked and ridiculed by some pretty mean spirited adults.”

I’d like to know the names of those mean-spirited adults who mocked and ridiculed her special needs child. I don’t believe it for a second. I think what she is talking about is that she was criticized for the way she dealt with her pregnancy with Trig and her caregiving of him after his birth.

Remember, Sarah Palin is a right-wing, evangelical Christian for whom “family values” and the role of the mother are paramount. Many right-wing Christians don’t believe women should work outside the home. Yet here was Sarah Palin, resigning as the governor of Alaska, for political reasons.

This is not putting your family first. We should not be surprised.

This is a woman who hid her pregnancy until the last two months, and who was so ambivalent about having a Down syndrome child that she admittedly contemplated aborting her child (wasn’t it nice that she had the choice to do that?). This is a woman who took off in an airplane from Arizona to Alaska after her water broke and barely made it to the hospital to deliver Trig. This is a woman who accepted the nomination for vice president with a three-months-old special needs child (all studies show that the mother’s role in infancy, especially for these children, is crucial) and an unwed 17-year-old daughter pregnant by another high-schooler.

This is a woman who took her children to the convention and paraded them on the stage, including Trig, (not in bed until late hours) and pregnant Bristol and her soon to be announced fiancé (“whatever”). This is a woman who then spent two months on the road, relentlessly campaigning, dragging the baby around with her (or not with her).

This is a woman who continued to exploit her children while she was running, and afterward, whenever she was criticized or they made a good photo op. After the election, she continued to travel, doing television, speaking and partying, making sure she stayed in the limelight. When her extended dysfunctional family, including the father of her daughter’s baby, began to surface, she blew that up into a major media event instead of keeping her silence. She then encouraged Bristol to sign up with the Candie’s foundation to go on a promotional tour with her baby to promote teen abstinence. By doing so Bristol became an adult public figure, making her a legitimate target for public criticism.

Yet when David Letterman made his remark about her daughter being knocked up, Palin blew it up into a national media fest which lasted for a week. Letterman rightly apologized, and acknowledged that he was not referring to her younger daughter but to Bristol. Palin knew that Letterman was making a joke about Bristol, but she still dragged poor Willow into the mud as well.

Now Palin has resigned as governor. Why? Who knows? She gave so many excuses that one was left reeling. The clearest one was that it was good for the state of Alaska. Again she created another needless media storm, with another photo op surrounded by her children, including Trig, her Down syndrome child. She has been roundly criticized but also has managed to keep the spotlight on herself for nearly a week. She has signed a lucrative book contract, in which I’m sure she will discuss faith and family values. Her ghost writer is a senior writer at the Christian conservative magazine “World”. And there will be a special edition by the bible publishing house Zondervan.

I don’t know what Palin has in mind. Maybe she’ll run for President, maybe she won’t. I couldn’t care less. What I do feel sad about is her missed opportunity.

She could have stood up in front of her family and said one thing that everyone would have understood and everyone would have applauded. It would be the greatest cliché of all time and for once it could have been true. She could have said, simply, “I’m leaving so that I can spend more time with my family.” And she could have elaborated. She could have said that from now on she would use her immense celebrity, her power, her charisma, her popularity among a huge base of Christian conservatives to educate people and advocate for children with special needs.

It might seem exploitative of Trig to some who are so cynical about her that they believe everything she does is for self-aggrandizement. So what? But if she really did it she could change the our culture and the way our world views those with disabilities. She would not only be helping millions of people around the world, but her own child as well.

Leaving her job because it’s better for “the state” or to pursue her interest in energy or national security is laughable.

Sarah Palin should live up to her self-proclaimed Christian “family values” and do what she says is the moral thing to do: put her family first and help those who cannot help themselves.

By Sally Quinn | July 8, 2009; 12:39 PM ET
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Why does Palin — or anyone — have to explain their behavior the way YOU want them to do it? She is her own person and can do it as she chooses.Thank goodness she does not have to be “transparent”.

I hope that Palin and people like her confront the following sort of thinking: Today, Obama says that the stimulus plan has worked as intended. Wow! Why? Because he has extended the unemployment benefits. That is “stimulus”? Is that creating jobs?

That kind of thinking is what Sarah Palin may change — the “hope” Obama promised during his campaign and the resulting “changes” that Obama has brought: quardrupling the debt and deficit on the backs of our children.

I gather readng other comments that you have a special needs child. Yet you attack another woman with a special needs child because she did not say words that you wanted — she did not step down because of him and “family values”.

You see her as powerful and you state that she “should” use that power as she nose dives into oblivion (you hope) by focusing attention on the needs of special needs children.

I see that my comment posted last night did not get printed. Do you keep the ratio of positive to negative a certain proportion?

May I have permission to post your article on my blog? I accept all Comments so long as they are not spam and not foul. Anyone can come over and post ther remarks if they cannot do so here. go to Monterey Bay Forum at www.freedomOK.net/wordpress


Posted by: AptosPsychologist | July 11, 2009 1:52 PM
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Surprise, surprise, there really is a life outside the beltway. Perhaps Ms. Quinn hopes that memory has failed many of us who remember how she slept her way into the role of Mrs. Ben Bradlee. Ironically, the Quinn/Bradlee contingent of the WaPo has experienced the challenges of having a special needs child who is now 26 years of age. One would hope that after 26 years of experience, a parent of such a child would have at least learned a modicum of compassion and empathy for others, but it appears to not be the case with Sally Quinn. I am personally confused that this article would appear in the Faith and Religion section of Newsweek considering that when not bashing Sarah Palin, the author chose to bash Christians. Lead was recently found in the Obama’s garden at the White House. Perhaps a bit of if is seeping into the drinking water of Georgetown.

Posted by: Spartan7 | July 11, 2009 12:26 PM
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Sally, I think your piece accurately describes the Governor. She has acted irresponsibly with respect to her constituents and her family. As a follower of Christ, a father, a husband and an American, I think the Governor has every right to have a successful career in a challenging field and still be a wife and mother. However, she should never have accepted the VP nomination given all of the chaos that was going on at home as she had enough to deal with her job as the Governor of Alaska (and defending the US from Russian invaders–I couldn’t resist). I don’t think you should be criticized for putting the Palin situation in perspective since a criticism of her is not an indictment of working mothers or of evangelicals since she is a proxy for neither. Plainly put, she is a person who got in over her head and then was swept up in the emotion and excitement of election politics.

I don’t believe for a second that she is stepping down for her family. I believe she is getting her ducks in a row so that she will be considered a contender for the White House in 2012. Since she came of as woefully unprepared in the last election cycle, I suspect she will be reading newspapers and maintaing a list for future reference and taking meeting with conservative thinkers so she can position herself as the main mouthpiece in Obama criticism. This move is a calculated one and given how she has turned her back on the people of Alaska so as to step out of the heat and have no professional responsibility for the next couple of years, this is one Republican who will vote against her in 2012.

Great piece, Sally. It needed to be said.

Posted by: CommenterFLS | July 11, 2009 11:00 AM
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Shame on you. Shame on you.

You are so sure Letterman was referring to her older daughter when it was in fact the minor younger daughter that accompanied her to NY. Did David call you to tell you behind the scenes who he was referring to? Would you have kept your silence if he was referring to one of your children, no matter how old he/she was?

Shame on Washington post for keeping you employed so you can spew your hatred.

Posted by: TexanIndian | July 11, 2009 9:08 AM
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Sally, I don’t have the patience to read all of your bizarre screed against — apparently — any mother, especially (but not exclusively) the mother of a special needs child, who dares to think she has something significant to contribute to public policy as a leader holding elected office; let’s amend that to one “who dares think she has a right to run for public office” just like any other adult.

But you blythely ignore one very important fact: Sarah Palin — as Governor, as V-P candidate, and soon as private citizen — has been a consistent voice in support of special needs individuals of all ages and their families.

Gov. Palin has taken only a handful of trips outside the state Alaska since November 08. On at least 2 of them (and probably more) — her much-publicized trips to Indiana and to New York — she attended special events for kids with Downs Syndrome and autism, raising money, awareness and support. The other side of this is, every time she leaves the state of Alaska she is slammed with absolutely bogus ethics complaints about her time and travel outside the state.

Advocating for special needs children, individuals and their families is clearly a top priority for Sarah Palin. Outside the governorship, she will be able to do this much more effectively.

And BTW, Trig most definitely has been the subject of direct and indirect derision from many adults, in print, on the net and in on-air interviews, including by the current WH occupants.

Posted by: JBinVA | July 11, 2009 7:56 AM
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Sanctimonious sally…..you are afraid of sarah palin..just as so many others on the right and left are. Speaking of faith, GOD is in charge, here, not you. i thought laura ingraham was too easy on you. we can smell a liar ..and we smelled you.

Posted by: sarahbwebster | July 11, 2009 7:20 AM
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Dear Bitter Sarah,
You really couldn’t figure out what she was saying in 18 minutes… really? Were you looking for the hidden message… Well I guess Sarah’s just smarter than you because she didn’t hint towards anything. I love it! The liberal media and how threatened they are by this intelligent and beautiful woman. Sarah is taking a break right now but you can be assured she’s coming back and she going to continue doing what you never could… being successful and happy!

Posted by: DevinFranklin | July 11, 2009 3:37 AM
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Sarah, You really couldn’t figure out what she was saying in 18 minutes… really? Were you looking for the hidden message… Well I guess Sarah’s just smarter than you because she didn’t hint towards what you wanted to hear. I love it! The liberal media and how threatened they are by this woman. Sarah’s taking a break right now but you can be assured she’s coming back and she going to do what you never could… Continue being successful and happy!

Posted by: DevinFranklin | July 11, 2009 3:30 AM
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Dear Ms. Quinn,
As a parent of a child with Down Syndrome, I understand the importance of the communication and structure garnered from a mother who does not maintain a vocation outside of the home. I, however, am an airline pilot who has not only traveled worldwide, but has exposed my son to a variety of rich cultures. In additon, I possess a Maters Degree in Special Education that affords me the ability to not only teach my son, but to understand and advocate for the services and benefits availabe to him under the law. Although I am an active woman, my now 16 year old son is an honorary member of the National Junior Honor Society, has a varsity letter in football, has earned his blue belt in Tae Kwon Do while working toward his Black Belt series, and is working toward his Eagle Scout project. He is a member of Student Council and has performed in at least 10 middle/high school productions. In addition, he skis, rides horses and enjoys swimming. He possesses a cadre of friends, both special needs and typically developing and attends more extracurricular activities than I could have dreamed possible. He is a gift to our family and others as he is a true teacher. As you have read, my son is a success and together we created the environment necessary for his achievements while I work ouside of our home in a demanding and rigorous profession. There exrists no doubt in my mind that Sarah Palin has not only cared beautifully and deeply for her family, but has done it well while pursuing an equally demanding career. We women CAN do it all – and do it well. Please refrain from the abrasive criticisms heaped upon this woman and her family. Such disdain is unbecoming to you and insulting to many of us who successfully and diligently work at careers while exceptionally caring for our families. I expect far more from you – an intelligent and career-minded mother of a special needs child.

Posted by: cfreed2161 | July 11, 2009 1:19 AM
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Sally…get real. What makes you think that you have the right to tell Sarah Palin how she should resign. And you are THE authority on motherhood? Give me a break! I think Sarah Palin rocks, and you’re mud!

Posted by: fedupp | July 11, 2009 1:16 AM
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Ms. Quinn – If you think appearing on The Factor, and given a very soft interview by Laura Ingraham, is going to make the consequences of your hate-filled rant about Sarah Palin just disappear, you are WRONG.

You, Ms. Quinn, and your elitist, smug, “liberal” fellow writers at WaPo mock standards of objectivity and honesty.

What possessed you to appear, probably for the first time, on Fox? Oh, don’t tell me – the WaPo editors finally grew a set and forced you!

And what’s the deal with you & Laura – you include her at your dinner parties in Georgetown or weekends at Porto Bello? You can’t buy everyone Ms. Quinn – there some people left who have standards of honor and dignity.

Elitism, hypocrisy, venom – you must be one very unhappy woman, Sally – unlike Sarah!

Posted by: blueskyenc | July 11, 2009 1:14 AM
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OK Sally,
If Palin had said what you suggested she say, the news media would have really been in an uproar saying ,”Oh there’s no way that’s why she’s resigning..”……….”and if not let’s make up something to put her in a bad light”.

I like Palin. She reminds me of the strong, independent, women who used to make up the fabric of this country. Too bad she moved to Alaska. Too far for me here in the South. She’s educated, smart, has VALUES (a term you and yours do not like) because it is everything that you and yours are NOT. Think of this, the reason she left was probably because of articles such as yours.

You seem to know everything about Sarah Palin, but why is it not that you cannot see the good in her. You only put down
the things that make Sarah Unique.

Posted by: uniqueMe | July 11, 2009 12:57 AM
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written by Aptos Psychologist:
I agree with Julie Pace: we want Palin to stop the “hope” to end the “change” before “change” ends us. That SAYS it all.

Another commment intriguesd me: I got educated that Alan Colmes actualy thought that Downs Syndrome could be cured by better pre-natal care. No wonder he got that off the web fast! What an idiot.

Do you know that idiot and moron used to be normal acceptable terms for talkiing about special needs children? We have come far but not far enough.

There was a great comment about you and others suffering from a Palin Derangement Snydrome !! I agree !!

I saw you on tv tonight. I thought, why are women so hard on other women?

There is an angry tone to what you write — like you are saying WHY DIDN’T SHE RESIGN THE WAY I WANT HER TO DO IT.

You want her to cite family and take care of her special needs child. And you get mad that she does not do it YOUR way.

I am sad that Sarah Palin resigned. She had her reasons and she spoke of some of them. I support her. During the campaign several times my sign with PALIN on it got ripped down.

I would think that staying in office keeps her honing her skills as a politician. Women have to do it better and do it longer. So quiting can be problematic.

I hope you read the Comments seriously. Did you write it just to get media attention?

If you would like to have a conversation about PALIN visit my blog: Monterey Bay Forum www.freedomOK.net/wordpress

On Faith


Buildng sand castles & digging in sand problematic for health? YES!

walking healthier than rolling in sand
walking healthier than rolling in sand

Filth is filth. Dog crap and bird crap contaminate beaches. Rolling in sand can lead to health issues. So take that walk along our beautiful beaches. And go swimming. But don’t bury your body in the sand! See the following article:

“Children and adults who build castles and dig in the sand at the beach are at greater risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and diarrhea than people who only walk on the shore or swim in the surf, according to researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Environmental Protection Agency.

People who playfully bury their bodies in the sand are at even greater risk, according to the study published online recently in the American Journal of Epidemiology. It also shows children, who are more likely than adults to play with and possibly get sand in their mouths, stand the greatest chance of becoming ill after a day at the beach.

“Beach sand can contain indicators of fecal contamination, but we haven’t understood what that means for people playing in the sand,” said Chris Heaney, Ph.D., a postdoctoral epidemiology student at UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health and lead author of the study. “This is one of the first studies to show an association between specific sand contact activities and illnesses.”

The study is based on interviews with more than 27,000 people who visited seven freshwater and marine beaches in the agency’s National Epidemiological and Environmental Assessment of Recreational Water Study (NEEAR) between 2003 and 2005 as well as in 2007. All beaches in the study had sewage treatment plant discharges within seven miles, although the source of sand pollution was unknown and could have included urban runoff as well as wild and domestic animal contamination. Water quality at the beaches was within acceptable limits, Heaney said.

“We have known for some time that swimming in waters polluted by fecal contamination can result in illness, but few previous studies have focused on sand,” said Tim Wade, Ph.D., an EPA epidemiologist and the study’s senior author. “People should not be discouraged from enjoying sand at the beach, but should take care to use a hand sanitizer or wash their hands after playing in the sand.”

People were asked about their contact with sand on the day they visited the beach (digging in the sand or whether they were buried in it). Then, 10 to 12 days later, participants were telephoned and asked questions about any health symptoms they had experienced since the visit.

Researchers found evidence of gastrointestinal illnesses, upper respiratory illnesses, rash, eye ailments, earache and infected cuts. Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal illnesses were more common in about 13 percent of people who reported digging in sand, and in about 23 percent of those who reported being buried in sand.

“A lot of people spend time at the beach, especially in the summer,” Heaney said. “And while we found that only a small percentage of people who played at the beach became ill later – less than 10 percent in any age group, for any amount of exposure – it’s important to look at the situation more closely. If we find evidence that shows exposure to sand really does lead to illness, then we can look for the sources of contamination and minimize it. That will make a day at the beach a little less risky.”
