President Trump is NOT a” target” says Special Councel Robert Mueler. So will Trump meet with Mueller? Should he?
Even though not a “target” right now Trump can readily become a target if Mueller finds inconsistencies sufficient to press charges of a ‘process crime‘ i.e., making false statements to the FBI.  That’s how Mueller indicted several of Trump’s associates including General Michael Flynn
Will criminals voluntarily give up their guns? Never — says citizen Mark Robinson, a gun owner speaking to the Goldsboro, North Carolina city council.
Pictures show mostly young men ages 16-24 not women, children or visibly gay and lesbian persons. One never knows …. Â
So the Caravan coming to the USA was started by gays and lesbians? So they say ….  City without Borders aka Pueble Sin Froneras states that the gays and lesbians — LGBT community — started the 1,000+ persons curerntly traveling to the USA from Honduras and near by areas.
In announcing the group’s March 25 departure, Pueblo Sin Fronteras sent a statement saying it is a “group of people from different nations, religions, genders, gender expressions and sexual orientations migrating and seeking refuge.â€
The statement calls for a series of measures, including an end to political corruption, to violence against members of the LGBT community, to “murder with impunity and gang recruitment of youth.â€
It demands that the U.S. government continued Temporary Protected Status — a program for people from nations affected by wars or disasters. It asks that the “U.S. government stop massive funding for the Mexican government to detain Central American migrants and refugees and to deport them.â€
What about that supernatural stuff?  Did Jesus Christ –crucified, tortured and hung from a cross – really rise from the dead?
Or is Easter just about sharing eggs and going to the  beach? Sharing time with people? Beer and bongo drums?
What’s politically correct for Aptos CA churches to talk about?
Here’s what persons heard from the pulpit attending Resurrection Catholic Community 3/31/18Â Â and Christ Lutheran Church 4/1/18Â Â in Aptos, CA:
A 3/31/2018 8 PM Catholic service in Aptos, CA:  Two people were “first time visitors” at the Easter service at the church.  The large church of 400-600 was three quarters filled.  The service was a familiar one. Candles lit by a fire with procession. The Word spoken including a homily by the priest.
The priest told his Easter story of a resurrection moment.  As a young priest ( he had been two years a priest) in order to meet families in the Diocese he walked about 2 hours across the Philippine Islands in 100 degree humidity. He was sent out ‘two by two’ without taking food, clothing or provisions. That was back in 2004.
It was very hot and the priest  was quite tired from the two hour journey when he arrived.  When he arrived he was graciously welcomed to a small home by a husband and wife in their late 70’s.
The woman welcoming him — with a hug which is rarely done in the Philippine culture (they shake hands) — and she said it was the most important moment in her life;  this was the first time a priest had entered her home.
This was was a ‘resurrection’ moment  for the priest.  The woman’s words inspired him. He was no longer tired and exhausted.   He experienced God’s love through other people.  Walking two hours home afterwards he was not tired.
Take away from the sermon at Resurrection Catholic Community:   When you get discouraged or depressed, think of ‘resurrection’ moments in your own life said the priest. Think of moments of great joy, peace and love that come through the connections and experiences you share with other people. You have your stories of resurrection to share.
What people heard at Christ Lutheran Church April 1, 2018 could be titled  The Power of Assumptions.
You can hear the sermon via YouTube. When it’s available a link will be included to it here.
Can people make changes from the bottom up instead of top down? The sermon mentioned  Rosa Parks ( 1960s black civil rights) and the Florida students ( 17 students killed by a former student) as examples of people who  make change from the bottom up….
Refugee Resettlement is front and center in the Easter bulletin for Christ Lutheran April 1, 2018:
Per the bulletin, this year’s Easter offering at Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos CAÂ goes to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) which “has helped over 500,000 refugees”.
Refugee Resettlement Watch (RRW) follows closely the 9 main agencies that resettle people, one of which is LIRS. In 2006 the American taxpayers paid 97% of all the costs incurred by LIRS [18.6 million of the 20.9 million]. Taxpayers also paid roughly 97% of all costs encourage by agencies that do resettlement for the Catholic church and the Episcopal church.
The former CEO for LIRS Linda Hartke was paid a $300,000. package until she was fired by the LIRS board for a variety of reasons.
By the year 300 or so roughly a quarter of the Roman Empire became Christian.
As portrayed in the gospels, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. No one saw ‘this private act’ done by God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Later, Jesus appeared to multiple people in many situations yet those people initially did not recognize Christ. Mary Magdalene did not recognize him until he called her by name. Christ told her not to touch him as he was not yet raised.  Doors and windows were locked and Christ showed up.
So what is the  Easter Resurrection? Simple but not simple.
Read the gospels for yourself. Read those stories and let God speak to you directly. The Wall Street Journal article mentioned above [The Easter Effect…] is a good start for thinking about the Christian faith.
Antler Kitchen & Bar restaurant in Ontario, Canada protested by animal rights group results in an increase in reservations
Owner of Toronto, Canada’s meat restaurant Antler Kitchen & Bar turns animal rights protest into free advertising for his restaurant. And, reservations are up at Antler.
Animal rights activists were horrified this weekend when the co-owner of a Dundas West restaurant they’d been protesting for weeks staged what appeared to be a counter-protest of his own.
The restaurant in question, Antler, is known for serving “local seasonal and wild foods†that are native to Canada, such as bison, boar, rabbit, duck and deer.
They also serve foie gras, which has long been condemned as especially cruel in terms of animal welfare.
A group of local activists had arranged a protest in front of the restaurant on Friday evening, writing on Facebook that it would be their fourth of such protests outside Antler…
About an hour into their demonstration, protesters say that the restaurant’s co-owner and chef, Michael Hunter, “brought out an entire animal leg and started cutting it up right in the window on a table reserved for diners.â€
Event organizer Marni Jill Ugar wrote later that night on Facebook that she felt Hunter had been “taunting†the group by cutting up a deer leg right in front of them.
“Once the deer was cooked Michael Hunter, owner of Antler, sat back down at the window to eat the dead deer,†she wrote.
A review of the restaurant claims that the Ricotta Cavatelli with Wild Boar is surprisingly delicious.
What to do? Change Safeway hours of operation to 6 AM – midnight. Safeway in Redding CA reduced hours and saw crime go down. Most crimes occur after midnight at the Redding Safeway store.
And move the booze back near the milk and eggs. That will reduce petty theft of alcohol. Make it as time consuming to get alcohol as getting milk and eggs.
The Safeway store in Aptos, CA places alcohol front and center near the entrance to the Safeway store. Talk to the managers. Ask Safeway to  move the alcohol to the back wall across from the milk.
Aptos Psychologist: The local paper is filled with simple ways how to eat more vegetables at breakfast. How about simple ways to reduce crime — like move the booze to the far end of the Safeway store in Aptos? Close Safeway stores after midnight?
“David, that is why rail banking makes sense. Save it until we need to bite the bullet and put in a train. What’s wrong with that?
“If we don’t rail bank now, the County [of Santa Cruz, CA]Â will be forced to subsidize freight service by millions each year with infrastructure maintenance (as they did with Iowa Pacific) until the tracks can really be used in a cost-efficient way.
“Right now, the RTC [Regional Transportation Committee]Â is discussing spending $30M to upgrade the tracks to Class-2 (30 mph max) to support a freight train with no benefit to the County.
“Think about it, a commuter train needs Class-3 (60 mph), so the tracks would have to be torn out again and replaced whenever the County really needs a train in 30 years. The idiocy of this discussion within the RTC astounds me.
Immigration was the issue that put Trump on the radar screen. And immigration –  both legal and illegal – will be a crucial issue in the 2018 mid-elections.
So what’s a “sensible” immigration policy look like? How will both legal and illegal immigration be dealt with?
Congress must substantially increase funds to HHS to manage and control both legal and illegal immigration. Perhaps its time to do your part and speak up?
We need more Border Patrol (10 K recommended) to stop illegals from entering. For example, from just one central american country alone roughly 1 in 3 persons from El Salvador now reside in the USA.
We need more immigration judges to quickly provide equal, fair justice and to handle the 600,000 cases still pending   At the given rate of cases it could take 15-20 years to handle the 600,000 case backlog unless the system changes.
Education: It’s time for the public to educate itself as to the pros and cons of what a sensible immigration policy looks like.
What say you? ; Comments welcome! written by
The current USA   law — passed by President Clinton –gives lifetime entitlement of all federal programs to refugees.  45 CFR 400.301.
This gives a lifetime entitlement for refugees who become citizens.  Currently, contractors can continue to deposit refugees where they choose regardless of state objection.
When Obama increased the Refugee admission quota in 2017 to 111,000 four states withdrew. But the numbers of refugees that actually settled in those states did not decline. That’s because of CFR 400.301.
Currently the resettlement programs are on automatic pilot without the States able to say no effectively. Â
If you think that freedoms for Americans — including the right not to be beaten by your husband — should be protected without extending that USA right world wide …. then petition your government to abolish CFR 400.301
President Trump lowered the immigration quota to 45,000. The next President could increase it to 250,000. It’s time that citizens of the USA spoke up and get control of how many “refugees” are allowed in and on what basis refugees will be admitted.
The USA can and should seek to strengthen women’s rights abroad. And we can and should be be a beacon of freedom world wide.
written by Cameron Jackson
Gender police strike fear:  Insult a woman cop because of her gender in Brussels?
You will either pay a huge fine or spend one month in jail.
First time ever a person is convicted of sexism in the public square.
A court in Brussels fined a young man  €3,000 for insulting a police officer because of her gender, Le Soir reported.
It comes as France prepares to create an offence of street harassment, described as “sexist and sexual outrageâ€.
The Belgian case involved a driver who was stopped for breaking the highway code. The young man – who has not been identified – insulted the police officer because of her gender, the court heard.
He was reported to have said she would be better off doing a job “adapted to womenâ€, in a scene witnessed by several other people.
The driver was found guilty of three charges: contempt of a police officer, making threats and sexist remarks in public, and a serious violation of another person’s dignity because of her gender.
He was reported to have said she would be better off doing a job “adapted to womenâ€, in a scene witnessed by several other people.
The driver was found guilty of three charges: contempt of a police officer, making threats and sexist remarks in public, and a serious violation of another person’s gender.
He was warned that if he failed to pay the fine, a prison term of a month would be imposed.
“This is the first time we have used this law to prosecute someone,†said Gilles Blondeau, spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office. “It is quite common for people arrested by the police to insult and threaten. But to personally blame a policewoman because of her sex is different.
“It was a good case to test this law: a concrete and very clear case, with many witnesses. This is obviously not always the case.â€