Why & How Immigration policies must change


Stand in line when entering the USA to live & work. Follow the federal immigration policies.

Why & how U.S. immigration policies must change:

The  USA backlog of illegals entering  is huge and the USA decision rate for these cases  is low.

There is a backlog of 660,000 cases. That’s a lot of cases.   That’s a lot of  undocumented individuals  running around finding some sort of employment as they stay  under the radar.

Legal advise is ‘get a lawyer’  (this improves the odds of winning from 10% to 50% currently) and lawyers cost money.  Hence, undocumented person are advised to get a job to pay for the lawyer.

Immigration judges decided 32,000 cases   in 2017.   That rate was the highest in 5 years. Roughly 62% of cases overall are rejected currently.

Do the math. It would take 20 years to decide a backlog of  660,000 cases  divided by a rate of  32,000 a year.

The policy of “catch and release” came about under President  Obama.  Overwhelmed by thousands of  undocumented persons –  largely from El Salvador and other central american countries  — the USA was flooded.

Roughly 330,00  individuals were “caught and released” and these persons  went underground and did not go to their court appearances.  Many did and continue to get   jobs.

These ‘catch and release’ individuals  affect the  overall jobs that are  available to persons legally in the USA.

Why don’t these economic/ political refugees, largely from El Salvador and central america,   go elsewhere?  Mexico rejects rougly  90% of “refugees”.   Same rate for  the Philippines.  Where to go?  Russia only declines 11%.

In March 2018 Attorney General Sessions implemented several  major changes in USA  immigration policies. These changes may  reduce the backlog.

One change:   Judges can now decide cases based on written evidence without a full hearing. That could speed things up.

Another change coming up:  will “economic refugees” continue to be granted special status?

The overall goal is to reduce the backlog of 660,000 persons sufficiently so that persons who are apprehended for illegal entry  into the USA are kept incarcerated until their hearing.

Perhaps — if people who ‘jump the fence’ know that, once caught,  they are in a USA  jail and not free to get a job,  that may slow down the rate of persons who come. Maybe.

Aptos Psychologist:  Yes the USA welcomes immigrants.  In the 1600’s immigrants  came on  boats to escape religious persecution.  Today the USA continues   to welcome  more legal immigrants than any other nation.

Yes,  immigrants are welcome.  Stand in line. Follow the laws.

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com



Clean up time! Sanctuary State of CA sued by US govt for violation of Supremacy Clause of Constitution


Clean up time for CA’s ‘sanctuary state’ laws with CA sued by the  U.S. government

Clean up time for California’s ‘sanctuary state’ laws.

Attorney General Sessions sues  the State of California for violation of the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

The federal government reins supreme over state laws concerning immigration. Attorney General Sessions came to California to deliver the message. 

The ‘sanctuary state’  laws targeted by the federal government are:

SB 54  — the California Values Act — prevents state and local authorities from reporting illegal aliens who were arrested for other crimes to ICE.

AB 450 — Gov. Brown’s law threatens business owners with persecution if  they cooperate with ICE without first seeing whether ICE has a warrant/ correct documents.

AB 103 — gives oversight to California over ICE as the law allows the State of CA to inspect illegal aliens held by federal authorities.

At his  press conference Wednesday, Gov. Brown did not defend Oakland Mayor’s actions alerting the community of soon-to-occur ICE arrests. ICE says that the Mayor’s actions put ICE personnel in danger and 800 persons were not detained.

The governor offered the following points in rebuttal to Sessions’s clear and cogent case that the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause forbade California from blocking the enforcement of federal immigration law:

1. Sessions is a liar. “The Trump administration is full of liars. They [sic] pled guilty already to the Special Counsel.”

2. Sessions is from Alabama — “a fellow from Alabama coming to talk to us about secession and protecting human and civil rights.

3. Sessions is a Nazi. “We don’t need a Gestapo kind of tactic with vitriol spewing out of Jeff Sessions’s mouth. “

4. Sessions is … a French revolutionary. “The attorney general is basically initiating a reign of terror.”

5. Sessions is sucking up to President Trump. “Jeff thinks that Donald will be happier with him and I’m sure Donald will be tweeting his joy at this particular performance.” (Trump has not tweeted about it.)

California Attorney General Becerra’s line of attack was simple denial.


Aptos Psychologist:  Yes, it’s ‘clean up’ time here in CA.  About time.  Maybe fixing the ‘sanctuary state’ laws will impact California’s quality of life rating –  currently at the bottom.

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com

ICE arrests woman smuggler here in USA illegally

The  ICE arrest of a woman smuggler  on the streets of National City, CA   –  she was in U.S. illegally — separated the woman  from her children.

A teacher aide of one of the children  videotaped the arrest. What the woman and smuggling organization were smuggling is not known.

The Border Patrol says Perla Morales-Luna was identified as an organizer for a transnational criminal smuggling organization and was arrested for being in the country illegally.

Aptos Psychologist:  One hears some say, “Why arrest undocumented persons just because they are here illegally?” Answer:  mothers should ‘mother’ mot smuggle.



A rainbow in Aptos Community Garden, taken in Aptos, CA in March 2018

Where does a  rainbow start and end?  This rainbow    hovers over  Aptos Communtiy Garden!

The rainbow  was  taken by one of our Gardeners JoAnn,    in March, 2018.   Wow!

Some Aptos Community Garden plots are available!  Call 831 688-5727 x 2.

Since 2010, the Garden,  located at the end of Soquel Avenue  in Aptos, CA,   offers small plots for people to grow organic  with the opportunity to meet other Gardeners.

You can see the white steeple of Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos, CA in the background.

Lots of things going on at Christ Lutheran.  Services are at 10 AM on Sunday.

written by Cameron Jackson


Identify fraud: $360 K received by CA Mexican in San Diego — why not deport instead of put in USA prison?


Deported twice

A Mexican man — who was deported twice and has a history of arrests –  feigned U.S. identify for 40 years and received $360000 in benefits. Caught, he faces prison.

Since he is a resident of Tijuanna, Ca — why not deport  Andres A. Anduaga back to Tijuanna,  Mexico rather than pay $50 K a year to keep him in US prison for 12 years?   That costs American taxpayers another $200,000 just to keep him in prison.

Perhaps he  could serve time in Mexico and learn to contribute back  to the nation of his birth.  What do you think?

Cameron Jackson


Justice denied for 30 years [female genital mutilation in Britain]

   The latest Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) case to make it to court has been dismissed, with the judge claiming the child had denied harm and medical evidence was inconclusive.

The Somali origin father, who lives in Bristol, had allegedly admitted to allowing his seven-year-old daughter to be cut on the clitoris, telling a charity worker it would stop her “feeling sexy all the time”.

However, Judge Julian Lambert described the prosecution’s case against 29-year-old former Uber driver as “deeply troubling” and slammed witnesses as “inconsistent”, the Daily Mail reports.

He also stressed that the child had denied being harmed and dismissed the medical evidence as “wholly inconclusive at its highest”.

Not a single person has been found guilty of FGM offences in Britain, despite the practice being illegal for 30 years, thousands of cases being logged annually, and there being hundreds of successful prosecutions in France.


Firenze Sage:   “The child denied harm.”  It is up to you dear judge to protect children from themselves and scheming adults who greatly influence the child’s opinion. Do you expect the child to denounce the father who permitted her to be attacked   with a razor and who she will go home with  — you idiot!!


Promises…promises… Obama’s federal youth Promise program results in 17 deaths by a shooter in a Florida school … time to change the Promise program?


Obama’s youth Promise program prevented the Florida school killer’s record from being in the criminal justice data base

Promises, promises … Obama’s youth  Promise program caused the  Florida school killer to not be  entered  into the criminal justice system.  Arrested multiple times,  the young man  was able on 10 occasions to buy guns.  He killed 17 students from his school.

Senator Mario Rubio of Florida  plans to change the Promise program so school districts can make different decisions so that law enforcement is alerted to dangerous and violent behavior:

RUBIO: I intend to propose changes to the federal youth PROMISE Program so that a school district plan under this program does not delay and does not discourage law enforcement from being alerted to dangerous and violent or hazardous behavior. This deranged killer was able to buy guns on 10 separate occasions because he would have passed every — any background check because none of the stuff that was known about him was reported to that system

. written by Cameron Jackson


Firenze Sage: hardworking taxpayers targeted again…. who ICE arrested recently in L.A. area

  Hardworking taxpayers targeted again…

Who are the persons   ICE arrested recently in the Los Angeles area?   Eighty-eight percent (88%)  of the 212 individuals arrested in the Los Angeles area this week for  ICE  immigration law violations were criminals with previous convictions.

Over the course of five days, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officers and special agents made the arrests and served 122 notices of inspection (NOIs) to businesses in the Los Angeles area of responsibility. This is in addition to notices of inspection issued to 77 businesses in northern California just weeks ago.


CAMPO, CA – MARCH 6: (NEWSWEEK AND US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT OUT) Mexican nationals who illegally crossed the California border are apprehended and handcuffed 1 mile inside U.S. territory by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents on March 6, 2006 in Campo, California. 

92%  — 195 of the 212 arrested included 1) convicted criminals, 2)  those who failed to leave the United States after being issued a final order of removal, and 3) those who returned to the U.S. after being removed.

More than 55 percent of those arrested were serious or violent felons or had been convicted on significant or multiple misdemeanors. Their crimes include child sex crimes, weapons charges, and assault.

ICE Deputy Director Thomas D. Homan remarked:

“Because sanctuary jurisdictions like Los Angeles prevent ICE from arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, our officers are forced to conduct at-large arrests in the community, putting officers, the general public and the aliens at greater risk and increasing the incidents of collateral arrests.”

ICE focuses its enforcement efforts on individuals who “pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security.” This does not mean that any class of illegal aliens are exempt from enforcement actions.


Firenze Sage:  Rack one up for the good guys.




Firenze Sage: What’s wrong with PLO medical treatment? [PLO Abbas goes to Baltimore, USA]

  PLO President comes to  Baltimore, USA for medical treatment:  The Times of Israel reports: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was taken to a Baltimore hospital Thursday for a routine checkup, Palestinians said.

Abbas, 82, said he had been given a clean bill of health after visiting Johns Hopkins Hospital while on a visit to the US to address the United Nations. “Our presence here was a suitable chance for us to make some medical checks,” Abbas told Palestine TV, according to a Reuters translation. “We actually made those checks and we are out now and, thank God, all results are positive and are assuring. This is God’s blessing on us.”

Initial reports had suggested that Abbas was rushed to the hospital, but Palestinian civil affairs minister Hussein Al Sheikh said the visit was routine. A spokesperson for Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Hospital, which treats many international patients, could not confirm Abbas’s visit.


Firenze Sage:   Yankee hater go home.


Firenze Sage: who is Elizabeth Carisle? fake name AG Loretta Lynch

  Stay on outlook for fake stuff:

Fake names used by top USA govt officials:  Illustrating how government hides information from the American public, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name to conduct official Department of Justice (DOJ) business in agency emails obtained by Judicial Watch. As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias Elizabeth Carlisle in emails she sent from her official DOJ account. In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”

This begs the question of how many other government officials use fake names and whether those aliases are searched when agencies process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Besides Lynch, we have only discovered the use of such aliases among government operatives to conduct official business at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Obama’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, famously used the alias Richard Windsor in a government email account to conduct official business and communicate with staff. Jackson even took required EPA computer training under the fake identity with the handle Windsor.Richard@epa.gov. She eventually resigned over the scandal, which brought to light the agency’s violations of federal open-records laws.


Firenze Sage:  Did anyone in the Obama administration follow the rules?    More screw the  public from the most transparent admin in history.

