Firenze Sage: rat tails for sale! Help! [invasive nutria rodent in CA that eats aquatic vegetation]

Nutria rats in CA eat aquatic vegetation and threaten wetlands & marshes — Help!

Nutria rodents.  California is facing a new immigration crisis, this time in the form of large, swamp-dwelling rodents called nutria. Golden State officials are actually asking for help to deal with this unwanted population.

Wildlife officials are asking California residents to report any sightings of nutria — an invasive rodent that eats so much aquatic vegetation that it threatens wetlands and marshes.


The California Department of Fish and Wildlife said Thursday it is trying to eradicate the rodents from the state because once established, nutria could cause loss of wetlands, damage to agricultural crops and levees, dikes and roadbeds.

It says more than 20 nutria have been found in wetlands, rivers and canals and in Merced, Fresno and Stanislaus counties.

Apparently, the nutria’s life consists of eating and mating. They can consume 25 percent of their body weight each day in vegetation, and a female can give birth to up to 200 offspring each year.

Nutria (also known as coypu) originally hail from South America. The species was introduced to the United States when Louisiana livestock entrepreneurs decided to farm them for fur in the 1930s. The attempts proved unsuccessful because the wily beasts tended to escape easily.

California officials may wish to review the way Louisiana has been dealing with their nutria problem, albeit in a typical red-state manner. The bayou-centered “Sportsman’s Paradise” offers $5 for every nutria tail brought in by intrepid hunters. Given how eagerly the homeless in California collect cans and bottles for the recycling fee, the swamp rats would rapidly go on the endangered species list.

Additionally, the Cajun cooks have perfected various recipes for this invasive species. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries asked the state’s chefs around to prepare nutria in a variety of ways, in hopes of sparking interest in the under-appreciated meat.


Firenze Sage:  Imagine,an unprotected species in California. The sky has fallen.


Firenze Sage: Trump causes flu? Get real ….


flu  epidemic sweeps USA

About the flu epidemic in USA:    During Monday’s edition of CNN’s At this Hour, guest host Brianna Keilar brought on the New York Times’ Science and Health reporter Donald McNeil Jr. to discuss the flu epidemic sweeping the nation. McNeil had previously written an article for the Times arguing that President Trump needs to do more to protect public health

When asked about an eight percent drop in the number of Hispanics who received flu shots, McNeil pointed to President Trump’s “hostility to Spanish language and Hispanics” as a possible explanation, in addition to a “cut back in Spanish-language ads.” He then admitted that the facts disproved his wild speculation and that didn’t actually know the reason for the statistic. McNeil’s conjecture serves as a perfect example of a conspiracy theory, which the left always mocks the right for buying into. When the left has no other argument, they will always resort to the race card.


Firneze Sage:  Would you rather have flu or hate Trump?


asylum seekers from Central America flee “gang violence” says CA attorney John Allured


seeking  asylum

An advocate for persons  seeking asylum  from Central America,    attorney John W. Allured (CA bar license #84770) spoke on Immigration and the Law   at Christ Lutheran Church  in Aptos, CA on Sunday, February 11, 2018.

Attorney Allured  was introduced by Pastor Dale Sollom-Brotherton.  See information on the church website about the speaker. 

Mr. Allured is a member of First  Lutheran church in Palo Alto, CA.  

Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos, CA supports  the AMMPARO program.  The church  currently provides  housing and other  support for a   family  from El Salvador.  The church  may assist  persons seeking refugee status via  advocacy in the legal process  as Guardian Angels.  

AMMPARO was envisioned to accompany children today and in the future who are forced to flee their communities because of complex and interrelated reasons, including chronic violence, poverty, environmental displacement and lack of opportunities in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Some of  attorney  John Allured’s  remarks and some questions that were asked:

“Most  persons seeking asylum from the Triangle countries  (San Salvador, Guatamala &  Honduras) seek asylum due to “gang violence”.

“The rate of  those seeking asylum  from  Mexico has gone down and the rate from Central America has gone up.

Asylum seekers must show “credible fear”.   What is that?

“Migrants do not have right to legal representation.

If “credible fear” is found the case moves forward to “removal status”, the juvenille is then  “placed” and the case goes before a judge.

“In 2016, 50% of mothers with children lacked counsel;  of these, 90% were removed.

“The chances of defeating removal increased 5 times when migrant had counsel. So says Attorney Allured.

“How does ‘gang violence” fit into all this?  If only “gang violence” you have to do your homework to establish that your case fits within one of five categories.

“Asylum is discretionary.  You  must show “good character” via employment, church membership, credible witnesses and that you are a deserving  person.

There are two Hearings –  The first one which is on  the Master Calendar  is open to the public.

Asylum applicants  have no “right” to due process.  San Francisco judges (the one he observed) bend over backwards so applicants can establish their case.  In San Francisco (his experience),c ases are typically continued 5-6 times before moving on to”removal” status.  Which judge  hears the case — in what part of the US — matters significantly.

Church congregations can serve as “guardian angels”. There’s nothing to fear.  It’s an informal process. Judges do not wear robes.  The federal rules of evidence serve as a guide.

Questions asked during and after Mr. Allured’s  presentation at Christ Lutheran church in Aptos, CA   included:

  •  What about economics?  If a woman’s kids are starving is that a reason to establish asylum? Answer:  No.  You have to establish more than economic hardship.  You have to show harm, that you were threatened, a family member killed.
  •  What about domestic violence?  Terrorizing woman is very frightening one attendee asked.  Answer: There are avenues for women …
  •  A man who lived 15 years in the Netherlands asked, Where do most persons seeking asylum here  come from?  Answer:  Attorney Allurd  said that he did not know.  [There are 9 federal resettlement contractors one of the largest is the Lutheran church.]   The man  then asked a followup question, What would likely happen to those  seeking asylum in Mexico?  Mr. Allurd replied that he  did not know.   [Currently there is a backlog at the Mexico-US border.]
  • There are   reports that  persons who enter  illegally   do not show up for their first court appearance.  Know anything about that?  Attorney Allurd  replied  that he did not know about no shows for court appearances. [One report states that 135,000 go missing and do not show up.]

After the presentation persons attending were encouraged to meet each other.

Information concerning various resources was available including  Tell Me How it Ends, an essay in Forty Questions by Laleria Luiselli.


Aptos Psychologist:    “I was a stranger and you offered me welcome …  “   That’s the message of Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos, CA

   Take Away message:   Per this presentation,  you better get an attorney  if you are from Central America  seeking asylum.  Persons seeking asylum in the U.S.  have no legal right to representation.

Concerning gang violence,  Monterey County (Salinas, CA  is the county seat) is ranked as  the youth homicide capital of California for four out of the past five years.  Gang violence is continually in the news. California has its own gang related problems.

People are not fleeing California for Central America because of ‘gang violence’.  That there is economic opportunity, freedom and rule by law here in the U.S. draws people  here.  Legally and illegally.  People who come need to follow the  U.S.A. immigration laws that are in place.

written by Cameron Jackson


Trump Wall? Immigration control? Chain migration? The DACA / Dreamers? Time to speak up?


chain migration

Where are we?  A Trump Wall?   Control of chain migration?  Will the DACA/ the Dreamers get right to citizenship?

Immigration  — the control of  legal and illegal  immigration  –  which include “chain migration”  and “the lottery system”    — are right now  on the table for discussion by Congress and the President.

The House, which  is likely to support what comes from President Trump, probably   opposes chain migration and the  continuation of the Lottery System which allows anyone from anywhere to become an American citizen.

For 40 + years — from 1921 onward   the USA stopped all immigration.

Do we need to integrate those who have come so that they do speak English and have the necessary skills to be successful here in America?

Or do we simply open our doors to all refugees who suffer oppression i.e. “I was a stranger and you welcomed me…”?

What say you?

written by Cameron Jackson



Not in my backyard says NY aristocrats


New York residents furious about homeless shelter in Manhattan neighborhood

Not in my backyard:   Wealthy New Yorkers are furious that Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to open a homeless shelter in their ritzy Manhattan neighborhood.

Homeless moved:   Dozens of wealthy residents packed into a community meeting to voice their anger over the decision to move 150 homeless men into the former Park Savoy Hotel, NY1 reports. The residents are concerned that the move will increase crime and decrease property values in their neighborhood on “billionaires row.”

“How are these poor people, whose only livelihood is in one bag, deal with a $6 coffee and a $15,000 dress on the windows of Fifth Avenue?” asked one resident, a middle-aged man with a foreign accent. “Aren’t we breeding crime by doing this?” he asked, earning applause from the audience.

Yeah, well, maybe you should have thought of that in the voting booth when you re-elected de Blasio, buddy. More liberal angst:

NY residents mobilize:   Some residents have formed a group, the West 58th Street Coalition, to oppose the homeless shelter in their neighborhood, CBS2 reports. CBS2 identified the coalition’s leader as Suzanne Silverstein, a fashion executive who is the president of upscale women’s fashion line Parker NY, according to her Linkedin profile. “This is a tourist area. Can you imagine you are like next door, you have the best hotels in New York City, you destroy that in order to help 150 people,” said restaurant owner Maria Loi, according to CBS2. The New York Times has described Loi as a “celebrity chef.”


Firenze Sage:   What is sauce for us gooses is sauce for them ganders.



Firenze Sage: depends on whose ox is being gored [powerful Democrat woman accused of sexual misconduct with male staff]

Garcia (female) accused of sexual misconduct by Fierro (male staff)

Whose ox is being gored:   If something awful happens to someone you don’t know, or perhaps dislike, you are likely to ignore it in the first instance, or may even applaud it in the latter instance. If something awful happens to you or your loved ones, well, that’s a different story altogether.

Leading #MeToo California Assemblywoman Accused of Sexual Misconduct

 Daniel Fierro of Cerritos told POLITICO that in 2014, as a 25-year-old staffer to Assemblyman Ian Calderon, he was groped by Garcia, a powerful Democratic lawmaker who chairs the Legislative Women’s Caucus and the Natural Resources Committee.

He said she cornered him alone after the annual Assembly softball game in Sacramento as he attempted to clean up the dugout. Fierro, who said Garcia appeared inebriated, said she began stroking his back, then squeezed his buttocks and attempted to touch his crotch before he extricated himself and quickly left.

From The Sacramento Bee:

Garcia was “clearly inebriated,” Fierro said, and grabbed his arm. At first he thought she was just trying to steady herself, but then Garcia grabbed his back, he said, and began to stroke it.

“Her hand was there and it slipped down to my butt and she tried to squeeze,” Fierro said. He said he knew then that it had crossed a line and he spun away from her to leave. As he was walking past her, Fierro said, Garcia made a grab for his crotch.

“The entire encounter lasted 30-45 seconds,” he said. “I was in shock. I was embarrassed.”


Firenze Sage:  Will she  [Garcia] resign or rather attend one of the many classes devoted to telling people that sexual assault is wrong .


connect the dots …. Is Obama the principal person behind the Trump/ Russia collusion story?



Is Obama the principal  person behind the Trump/ Russia collusion story?

Clinton  had a simple message why people should elect her  — that Trump was “unfit”.   Prior to the election that was her message to the American public. That’s about all she had to say. Her message did not sell sufficient for her to win the election.

Within 24 hours of losing the election Hilary Clinton’s campaign put out the message that Trump’s victory was not on the up and up — that he obtained it unfairly due to the Russians.  Due to Trump/  Russian involvement in our elections.

What we know now is that Hilary Clinton paid for and   created   information — none yet  collaborated — that Trump  supposedly performed unfit behavior.    That is what is referred to as the Trump/ Steele dossier aka ‘Golden Showers’.

So first Hillary calls Trump ‘unfit’ and then she pays money and supplies information to create information to supposedly support her contention.

Now the evidence points towards Obama as  is  the person behind it all.  And it appears that Obama’s motive was and is to protect himself.

Remember the basic facts about Obama. He was a Chicago politician.  He won his first elections by spreading ‘dirt’ about his opponents.  He was a community organizer.  He has a law degree and taught constitutional law.

Remember all of Obama’s promises that he did not keep…. such as ‘you can keep your doctor…’

Obama promised the American public that Hilary Clinton would be treated the same as any other American.  And then Obama exonerated Hilary Clinton  and Obama  expected his Justice Dept and FBI to also exonerate Hilary Clinton.  Which they did.

The facts  keep tumbling out.

What’s especially troubling is that mainstream press, i.e., New York Times  and Washington Post prefer  to suppress  or ignore the story.


Cameron Jackson


Collusion. Who? Hilary and Fusion GPS colluded? Or Russia with Trump? Facts now suggest Hillary …



It all keeps rumbling along. Who colluded with who. Hilary or Trump?

Now we know that Hilary Clinton and the Democrat National Party paid $10 K  to create the ‘dossier’ on Trump which the Obama FBI people used to spy on Trump.  What’s happened to the Rule of Law?

Should the current Attorney General haul in all of the top  FBI guys and ask:  ‘Did you know personally that the dossier was created by the Clinton campaign?’  If they answer ‘yes’ then ….. fire them on the spot?    And prosecute them as criminals?



Time to eat crow? Democrats sat on their hands at the State of the Union address by Trump

Democrats sat on their hands during the State of the Union address by Donald Trump

Time to eat crow?  Democrats sat on their hands when Donald Trump spoke about what’s happened during his first year in office.

No Democrat voted for the Tax Cuts.  Those tax cuts benefit many Americans.

No Democrat stood in unity with Republicans concerning the economy or foreign policy.

What do the Democrats stand for?  Seems like they simply stand against.  What say you?


Firenze Sage–Russians muffle Maxine [Walters Democrat from CA]

Maxine Waters []    now sees a Russian behind every mailbox and lamp post.

During an anti-Trump tirade at an urban housing event, the California congresswoman Maxine Walters  went on a stem winder about Russia and the Kremlin’s alleged love for the American president.

At one point,  Waters declared Trump has committed “obstruction of justice,” and made the case for impeachment, also citing “possible collusion” with Russia.

She theorized Russia wanted to elect Trump so he would lift sanctions to allow Russia to drill for oil.

Walters said, “RT, which is Russian television, absolutely interfered with a speech of mine on the floor of Congress and blocked me out for 10 minutes,” she bellowed, as a woman in the audience gasped, “What?!?”

“They don’t play. They mean business,” Waters declared.


Firenze Sage:   Imagine that Putin actually cares what this lunatic [[Maxine Walters]  says.

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